GridPP5 Y2 Quarterly Reports

You can find the Quarterly Reports from GridPP5 Year 2 in the tables below.

Experiment Reports

Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018
ATLAS Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
CMS Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
LHCb Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
Other Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118

Table 1: Experiment reports (Excel format).

Grid Services

Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018
Security Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
Data and Storage Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
Experiment Support Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118

Table 2: Grid service reports (Excel format).

Operations, Tier-1, and Tier-2 reports

Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018
Operations Q217 Q317 Q417
Tier-1 Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
LondonGrid Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
NorthGrid Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
ScotGrid Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118
SouthGrid Q217 Q317 Q417 Q118

Table 3: Operations, Tier-1, and Tier-2 site reports (Excel format).

Past Quarterly Reports may be found in the GridPP archives.