Main Page
From GridPP Wiki
Revision as of 17:31, 17 April 2024 by Daniela Bauer 7cecb7c591 (Talk | contribs)
Sites in GridPP
- ScotGrid Tier2 - Glasgow, Edinburgh, Durham
- NorthGrid Tier2 - Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield
- SouthGrid Tier2 - Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Sussex
- London Tier2 Tier2 - Brunel, Imperial College , Queen Mary, Royal Holloway
- RAL Tier1 - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- The Site Status category. Pages that Jeremy would like the sites to keep up to date :-)
- How to Report a Security Incident
- How to Report a Software Vulnerability
- How to ban or blacklist a user on a CE or SE How to ban/blacklist user on CE and SE
- Other Security Information, errors and workarounds
- Info on Tracing Jobs
Key Documents
Important documents are called Key Docs. This describes how to make sure the core documents get maintained well.
Deletions or other major changes can be listed for discussion in Stale documents.
GridPP Cloud
- Cloud & VM pages
- Cloud Work at Imperial (includes glideinWMS)
Project Management Pages
GridPP Tier2 Support
- GridPP DIRAC (for users and admins)
- Rucio
- Argus Server
- Grid Certificate
- Data Management
- Grid Storage
- New Information System
- GitHub Repositories
- Cluster Management
- Batch Systems
- Virtualisation
- Glite software builds
- Yaim - GridPP specific settings
- https with PerfSonar 4.3.4
- DPM to DCache Migration
- Puppet
- XRootD-2024
- Staged Rollout (obsolete)
- Also see Security Information for some of the security middleware
- ARGUS deployment
- Batch system status
- Procedures
- Site networking
- Category:Incidents
- Regional operations
- RHEL9 systems
- ARC6 EL9
Middleware - early adoption & testing
VO Support
- GridPP approved VOs
- Current VO Fairshares at T2/T1
- New VO deployment - covers the creation of new VOs (what information is needed) and the steps taken for the deployment
- Instruction for VO administrators
- VOMS proxy time limited and how to request an extension
- ATLAS Software Installation
- CMS in the UK
- Setting up an Automatic Blacklisting Service with ganga
Getting up and running on the grid - site admins
A tool, Instant UI, has been written to set up a User Interface (UI) quickly and easily. Instructions are available here:
- User Interface (UI) to support approved VOs (tested on EMI3/SL6)
For those who wish to "roll their own", a routinely updated tarball of a typical site-info.def/vo.d is available here:
This setup contains all the GridPP approved VOs and should be up to date.
Manual ways to setup a UI are also documented here:
- Installing a UI for Grid Submission (tested on EMI3/SL6)
- Installing a UI
- Configuring a UI
Getting up and running on the grid - users
- Grid user crash course
- A quick guide to DIRAC
- A quick guide to CVMFS
- RAL non-LHC CVMFS, i.e. the Gridpp Repository
- Guide to Ganga
- GridPP and the CERN VM service
- Job management - managing the lifecycle of jobs
- Long running jobs using myproxy
- Good explanation about running jobs using myproxy,
- Delegating Proxies to ARC CEs
- Requiring software
- Requiring Data
Getting up and running on the grid - new VOs
Note - this section is under development.
- ARGO Nagios Monitoring
- Nagios
- perfSonar
- VacMon for Vac and Vcycle sites
- MonAMI: MonAMI by example tutorial, and how to monitor dCache and DPM.
- Links_Monitoring_pages
- Ranked Monitoring pages
- ATLAS Monitoring For Sites
- ROD rota
- Monitoring Tools
- Monitoring
- Monitoring_FAQs
- ATLAS Site Availability and Performance (ASAP)
- SL ATLAS tests
- Atlas_FCR_Procedure
- Steve Lloyd SAM availability (summary graphs)
LCG Service Challenges
Operations Team
- Agenda's for the meetings will be on indico here:
- Action items
- Issues log
- Discussion and tasks list
- GDB reports
- UKI Testzone
- EVO Tips and Tricks
- Resiliency and Disaster Planning
- Bulletin Latest
Deployment Team pages
Useful Links
- FootPrints HelpDesk:
- GridPP blogs
GridPP Wiki Categories
- Special:Categories (List of all categories)
- Special:Allpages (List of all pages)
- Category:Top Level
- Category:Glossary
About GridPPWiki
- If you want to add content to this Wiki, then see advice on basic markup.
- Before you add a section it's worth browsing the names of all pages in the wiki to be sure that someone hasn't started an article with a slightly different name.
- Please use wiki categories to help organise the information in wiki. You can make categories hierarchical by adding the category to another category (a good example is that Category:File Catalog is a subcategory of Category:Data Management which is a subcategory of Category:Grid Middleware which is a subcategory of Category:Top Level). General Documentation on categories is useful.