GriddPP PMB Meeting 875 [29 Jan 2024]

GriddPP PMB Meeting 875

Present: David Britton (Chair), Peter Clarke, Davide Costanzo, Alastair Dewhurst, Andrew McNab,  Jonathan Hays, David Colling, Steve Lloyd, Andrew Sansum, Tony Cass, Peter Gronbech, Katy Ellis, Roger Jones, Tony Doyle, Sam Skipsey (Minutes), Jill Sambrook (Minutes)
Apologies: Alessandra Forti, David Kelsey


0) APEL update [AS]
AS reported on changes in the APEL team priorities and resources.
Action – Revisit this in about 4 weeks’ time. March 4th.

1) GridPP51 status [DCo/SS]
Alastair believes we may have found a potential sponsor.
JS to speak with restaurant and try and finalise details. DCo and AD to meet with potential sponsors on Friday.
Registrations are going well. Over 40 bookings now.
SS has quite a few talks confirmed. Hoping to finalise the agenda soon, pending SWIFT-HEP inputs.


SI-0 Tier-1 Manager’s weekly report & Technical Meetings [AD]

  • Technical Meetings

R&D meeting for DC24 took place last week. We got a summary from Tim Chown, this might be useful for people to glance through.
AD then gave a short update about what the liaisons had been doing. Round table held after.
Productive meeting. Slides could be useful for some.
Life after Sentos 7. Meeting to be held to look at life after migration.

Tier 1:
Antares did successful upgrade from EOS 4 to 5. Downtime for most of Monday.
Batch farm, in general working well. Occasional issues with worker nodes. Tom Birkett having discussions with developers about the issues and they are working on issues.
Outage on Thursday on CEPH. Added new hardware and there was an issue with this.
Rocky8 upgrades ongoing. No operational issues.

Security vulnerability has been discovered for XRootD sites and tokens, in systems with a redirector.  We will be disabling tokens until this is resolved (after DC24).  This probably affect other sites using XRootD (e.g. Glasgow, Lancaster and potentially even sites like QMUL who I think have an XRootD redirector as well as StoRM on top of Lustre).

SI-1 ATLAS Weekly Review and Plans [DCos]
RJ gave an update.
Big recovery on Hammer cloud
LLCG2 some removal of Token support
25th Jan quite a few call outs for Ceth – issue around adding software incorrectly.
Tier 2 a few outstanding tickets. (Minor issues, but 7 tickets).

SI-2 CMS Weekly Review and Plans [DC/KE]
Catching up and Alastair updated on most things
Data challenge is 2 weeks today.

SI-3 LHCb Weekly Review and Plans [AM]
LHCb work to remove dark data on Echo.
Currently only 1 open ticket – slow stats. On hold now.
Low level tier 2 tickets. Just a couple

SI-4 Operations Meeting Report [SS,PG,PC] –
A little noise about APEL. Not much else to report.

SI-5 LCG Management Board Report of Issues [DB]
No meeting since last PMB

SI-6 External Contexts (eg NGI/EGI) [PC/JH]
ExaFlop Workshop (Edinburgh) and IRIS CMP Workshop in London took place last week.
Network plus meeting next Friday.

868.3 DB and SS to look at Storage accounting – ongoing
873.1 DCos and AD to Liaise about sponsor for GridPP51 – ongoing
873.2 DCos, with help of JS, needs to find suitable venue for collaboration dinner at GridPP51, ongoing
875.1 Update on APEL to take place in around 1 months time. AS to also check if Tom Dack can present at update and GridPP51.
875.1 AS and SS to circulate an update about APEL prior to next Ops meeting