Globally Unique Identifier

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"Globally Unique Identifier" or "Grid Unique Identifier" is a unique name assigned to each each file registered in the File Catalog.

GUIDs look like this: 79b8f9aa-ccc8-11d7-933c-d4bb614664eb,, and are prefixed by guid: when used as a URL, i.e., guid:79b8f9aa-ccc8-11d7-933c-d4bb614664eb.

In the EDG Replica Manager and the Globus Replica Location Service the GUID is essential to map between the Replica Metadata Catalog (holding the Logical File Name) and the Local Replica Catalog (holding the Storage URLs). In the more modern LCG File Catalogs, LCG File Catalog and FiReMan, it is not necessary for the user to know the GUID as the tables holding Logical File Name and Storage URL are held in the same database.