Joining LCG2

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Joining LCG requires more than simply <a href="">installing</a> the software.

Your ROC

What is it?

The Regional Operations Centre.

The roles and responsibilities of a ROC were defined at the First EGEE Conference as:

  • Coordinate and support deployment
  • Bring new resources into the infrastructure and support their operation within it.
  • Act as source of expert advice and technical support in deploying and operating the middleware in the RCs.
  • Participate in validating new middleware releases - organise and operate certification testbeds within the region, provide resources (from regional RC’s) for pre-production service.
  • Port middleware to specific regional needs (e.g. local supercomputers etc.)
  • Coordinate and support operations
  • Act as front-line user support
  • Act as front-line support for RC
  • Refer problems to CIC, OMC, or as appropriate
  • Operate (or organise) regional grid services (BDII, RB, UI)as necessary

For sites in the UK and Ireland the ROC is based at RAL.

What do I do with it?

If you have had no contact with the ROC at RAL, and you wish to join LCG as a production site, you should contact the Production Manager for guidance on how to proceed.

Other information

Some terminology:

  • CIC: Core Infrastructure Centre
  • ROC: Regional Operations Centre
  • RC: Regional Centre (that's you!)
  • OMC: Operations Managment Centre (that's CERN)

Your Tier 2

What is it?

There is a single Tier 1 centre in the UK: the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). A Tier 2 is a collection of smaller sites into a comparable level of computing capacity to a Tier 1. The 4 UK Tier 2's are: London Tier2, NorthGrid, ScotGrid and SouthGrid.

What do I do with it?

You will need to join one of these Tier 2's if you are not already a member. This is not trivial as it will generally require signing up to a Memorandum of Understanding. You should contact the relevant Tier 2 Management Board.

If you are a member of a Tier 2 already, you should contact your Technical Co-ordinator for assistance.

Other information

Tier 2s

LCG Deployment Instructions

What is it?

Instructions on how to join LCG and install an LCG site.

How do I use it?

These webpages contain the latest instructions on joining LCG and installing an LCG site. Since LCG-2_3_0 these instructions have been split into several separate documents, of which the first one all sites should read is under the link:

"All sites should read this: html pdf"

This contains information on how to register a site with LCG and join the GOC DB. All sites wishing to join LCG should read this document, and related links, very carefully! Included in this document are instructions on information you need to send to your ROC (prior to release LCG-2_3_0 this information was included in Appendix G of the installation guide):

  • The full name of the participating institute and site
  • The name of the site to be published in the information system. This should be a short character string uniquely identifying the site. Examples include "IC-LCG2" and "RAL-PPD".
  • The name, e-mail address and phone number of the site manager
  • The name, e-mail address and phone number of the site security contact
  • The e-mail address of a managed list to contact your incident response team
  • The name of your regional operations center (This is the UK/I ROC at RAL)

Fill it in and mail it and to the ROC at RAL.

More information

Release Documentation.


What is it?

A secure DB holding details of all sites in LCG.

How do I join it?

Ensure you have a valid certificate loaded in your browser and go to this page.

Other information

About this page

This page is maintained by Steve Traylen.