DPM SRM 1 Test

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The SRM functionality of DPM can be tested using an SRM client, e.g., the d-cache-client rpm installed by default on UI.

Be aware of issues with DPM Pool Space Type before you do this (you should be ok with YAIM defaults though).

Note that at the moment the DPM SRMv1 implementation does not support srmCopy (i.e., arbitary SURL->SURL copies), but does support srmPut and srmGet (which is what the dCache srmcp command does when one of the arguments is a file://// URL).

Depending on the contents of your ~/.srmconfig/config.xml you may get screens of debug information (supress this by setting <debug> field to false).

~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ grid-proxy-init
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ export DPNS_HOST=se2-gla
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ srmcp file:////boot/vmlinux-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL \%%% srm://se2-gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:8443/dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam/helloK
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ dpns-ls -l /dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam
-rw-rw-r--   1 dteam001 dteam               2904532 Jul 29 17:17 helloK
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ srmcp srm://se2-gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:8443/dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam/helloK \%%%file:////tmp/backout
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ diff /boot/vmlinux-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL /tmp/backout
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ srm-advisory-delete srm://se2-gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:8443/dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam/helloK
~[graeme@ui1-gla graeme]$ dpns-ls -l /dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam/helloK
/dpm/scotgrid.ac.uk/home/dteam/helloK: No such file or directory