Monday 15th May 2017, 15.00 BST
34 Open UK Tickets this week - we're whittling them down.
Merseyside Webdav Access
128328 (15/5)
The Liver Lads got a ticket concerning Liverpool's information in the gocdb and how it was lacking a webdav endpoint. I'm not sure DPMs explicitly have a https://<hostname>443/webdav/<vo? endpoint, and webdav access just used the same namespace as everything else. But I could be wrong. Steve was on it though. In progress (15/5)
Sneaky Ticket at ECDF
128294 (12/5)
This ROD availability ticket snuck in on Friday and looks like it hasn't been noticed yet. Assigned (12/5)
Also regarding the SE ticket 128129 - we've been bitten by similar sounding issues at Lancaster, our SE was looking really clogged up and service restarts weren't cutting it - we had to reboot which seemed to cheer everything up.
And regarding the perfsonar ticket 127940, we had the same error message was was fixed by sorting out IPv6 for the node which had gotten into a weird state. Not sure if that applies though.
UK XROOTD Redirector at RAL
127598 (7/4)
Andrew reports that the machine to host this service is installed and awaiting firewall holes. Nice. In progress (12/5)
THANKS TO DANIELA AND DAN for helping Sussex out.
122772 (11/7/16)
Webdav/xroot ticket - atlas have enabled webdav and I assume it's working for them. In progress (9/5)
125503 (9/12/16)
Sno+ troubles after Sussex SE renaming- Daniela has been helping out and devising an LFC renaming strategy. Waiting for reply (10/5)