Updating the Babar CondDB

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Just as for Setting up a BaBar Objectivity Server you need access to an up to date version of the full BaBar software and login access to a management (not root) account on a machine at the hosting site.

  • Download the latest dated snapshot from /nfs/objyserv04/objy/databases/snapshots/forSP8/ at SLAC to a local directory.
  • cd to the current DB management test release, if it's too out of date create a new test release with the current release, it must be of the same series as the CondDB 14- for Cond14Boot, 16- for Cond16Boot and 18- for SP8 and Cond18Boot.
  • Set up the release
  • Set up the Database. If the site has two copies of the database edit the .bbobjy file to point to the one not in production
  • Check it's the DB you expect:
CdbManager status
  • Delete the old database:
gmake database.delete CONFIRM_DELETE=yes
  • Set up the new database:
gmake database.config
gmake database.import LICENSEFILE=<path to the license file on local of AFS (not NFS) disk>
gmake database.load SNAPSHOT_DIR=<path to the downloaded CondDB snapshot>
  • Make sure the schema is up to date:
klog <slac username>
ooschemaupgrade -infile /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/babar/Bdb/Reference/current/schema.dmp $OO_FD_BOOT

--Chris brew 11:53, 26 Oct 2005 (BST)