Transfer request for DQ2 dataset

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Requests to have DQ2 datasets copied to the Manchester Tier-2 are made through the Panda monitor at BNL (there is also a mirror at CERN). You need a valid Grid certificate to register on Panda.

Request subscription

To make the request, you click on the DDM Req link, which can be found in the left-hand menu under Datasets Distribution. Enter values for your request using the following as an example:

Request field Example Comments
Dataset Pattern trig1_misal1_valid1.005145.PythiaZmumu.recon.AOD.v13003003_tid016938 The tid portion may not be necessary.
Software Version
Dataset Format AOD
Destination MANC-2 MANC selects computing element ce01; MANC-2 selects ce02.
Validity OneTimeCopy
userid miyagawa This is the userid you registered on Panda.
Req Type user

Once you have the information entered, click "Continue". If the information entered is valid, you will then need to click the "Submit" on the next page to complete your request. If something is incorrect, use the "Back" button to modify; do not use the "Return" button as it will clear all of the fields.

Check request status

To check the status of requests, click on Req list under Datasets Distribution in the left-hand menu. Then select

Tier MANC-2

and click "Continue".