RAL Tier1 weekly operations castor 30/11/2018

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Standing agenda

1. Problems encountered this week

2. Upgrades/improvements made this week

3. What are we planning to do next week?

4. Long-term project updates (if not already covered)

5. Special topics

6. Actions

7. Review Fabric tasks

  1.   Link

8. AoTechnicalB

9. Availability for next week

10. On-Call

11. AoOtherB

Operation problems

Operation news

 * Almost all CMS files have been deleted from on cmsDisk
 * Recovery of na62 files declared successfull by the VO
 * Decommission ATLAS headnodes
 * Decommission xrootd-cms-manager

Plans for next few weeks

  * Proceed with the cmsDisk decommissioning
  * Complete kernel patching on CASTOR hosts
  * Oracle/kernel patching for CASTOR Facilities DB
  * Deploy new disk servers for Facilities

Long-term projects

  * New CASTOR WLCGTape instance. Things need doing: Create a seperate xrootd redirector for ALICE
  * CASTOR disk server migration to Aquilon: gdss742 has been compiled with a draft aquilon profile
    but there are problems with the SL7 installation RT216885 



  * RA out until 10/12