RAL Tier1 weekly operations castor 18/11/2016

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Draft agenda

1. Problems encountered this week

2. Upgrades/improvements made this week

3. What are we planning to do next week?

4. Long-term project updates (if not already covered)

 1. Castor 2.1.15
 2. SL7 upgrade on tape servers

5. Special topics

6. Actions

7. Anything for CASTOR-Fabric?

8. AoTechnicalB

9. Availability for next week

10. On-Call

11. AoOtherB

Operation problems

gdss651 (preProd) is still down being re-installed RT177006

Unroutable file to tape in CMS. Not sure about the choice of the right file class so AL was notified and fixed the problem

Operation news

5 OCF14 disk servers have been deployed into full production in aliceDisk 176040

4 CV14 disk servers have been deployed into full production in lhcbDst 176041

All 2011 ds in aliceDisk were set to RO before draining

Long-term projects

Castor 2.1.15 upgrade has been postponed until January 2017

SL7 tapeserver: progress with organising the tape-server software repos in pan templates. Scheduled a meeting with Bruno to discuss what has been done and the organisation of tape-server features

Special topics

Remake transfer rate plots for larger files (> 0.5 GB) and covering longer time periods - implemented these requirements in the script. Need to modify the script to ingnore treansfers that finished on the next day after they started.


Discusss with Khash about the urgency of RAID upgrade on CV13 ds and plan the intervention

Present AL two alternatives to choose from: 1) Create generic fileclass/tapepool 2) Remove the "unroutable file to tape" call to working hours

Delete empty dirs from CASTOR (prompted by BD)

Test DB upgrade to CASTOR 2.1.15

Schedule with AL a CASTOR upgrade of preprod from scratch

RA to talk to AL about merging CMS disk pools


CP on call next week

RA on A/L

AL on A/L