RAL Tier1 weekly operations castor 05/5/2017

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Draft agenda

1. Problems encountered this week

2. Upgrades/improvements made this week

3. What are we planning to do next week?

4. Long-term project updates (if not already covered)

  1. SL7 upgrade on tape servers
  2. SRM upgrade to SL6/CASTOR 2.1.16
  3. SL5 elimination from CASTOR functional test boxes and tape verification server

5. Special topics

6. Actions

7. Anything for CASTOR-Fabric?

8. AoTechnicalB

9. Availability for next week

10. On-Call

11. AoOtherB

Operation problems

Deletions issue on atlasStripInput

Operation news

Preprod is upgraded to CASTOR 2.1.16

Plans for next week

Stress test CASTOR 2.1.16 on preprod using GP's gfal script

Check how the CASTOR 2.1.16 upgrade on repack went

Upgrade LHCb to CASTOR 2.1.16

Long-term projects

CIP migration to aquilon and upgrade to SL6

SL6 upgrade on functional test boxes and tape verification server

Tape-server migration to aquilon and SL7 upgrade (on hold at the moment)


DB hardware upgrade tracking

Drain and decomission/recomission the 12 generation disk servers


RA on call next week