RAL Tier1 Metrics for GridPP

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The RAL Tier1 must produce every quarter metrics for the GridPP project.

For each metric the method that is used to collect the information is given. Also included are comments on what is being measured and how reliable the information is.

0.101 Number of registered users (DNs excluding DTEAM)

This is currently calculated from the grid-mapfile on the CE.

 # grep -v dteam /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile | wc -l
Quarter 2005 Q4 2006 Q2 2006 Q4 2007 Q3
Value 1342 1831 2726 5633

In the future as more features of VOMS are enabled the grid-mapfile will begin to empty of users. We will have to download a list of valid users from each VOMS server.

0.102 Number of active users (DNs excluding DTEAM)

This is calculated from the APEL database.

  mysql> select DISTINCT LCGUserID from LcgRecords where LCGUserVO != 'dteam' and 
                 YEAR(EventDate) = 2006 and MONTH(EventDate) >= 4 and 
                 MONTH(EventDate) <= 6 group by LCGUserID ;

  mysql> select LCGUserID,count(*) as jobcount from LcgRecords where LCGUserVO != 
                 'dteam' and  YEAR(EventDate) = 2006 and MONTH(EventDate) >= 4 and
                 MONTH(EventDate) <= 6 group by LCGUserID having jobcount >= 10;

Quarter 2005 Q4 2006 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2007 Q1 2007 Q2 2007 Q3
Value 83 166 201 203 246 310 311 282
>=10 jobs n/a 94 126 121 154 168 188 166

Also a break down of active UK certificates is available.

   mysql> select DISTINCT LCGUserID from LcgRecords where LCGUserVO != 'dteam' and
                 LCGUserID like '/C=UK/O=eScience%' and  
                 YEAR(EventDate) = 2006 and MONTH(EventDate) >= 4 and 
                 MONTH(EventDate) <= 6 group by LCGUserID ;

Quarter 2005 Q1 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2006 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2007 Q1 2007 Q2 2007 Q3
Value 10 19 29 37 44 55 53 57 62 58 45

0.112 Fraction of available KSI2K used in quarter (for Tier-1)

0.113 Fraction of available disk used in quarter (for Tier-1)

0.114 Fraction of available tape used in quarter (for Tier-1)

0.116 Percentage of jobs run via the grid (based on Tier-1 stats)

Percentage bar graph of Grid/Non-Grid usage for 2006

Percentage bar graph of Grid/Non-Grid usage for 2007

0.117 Job failure rates (based on Tier-1 stats but in the future we should use RB data if complete)

0.128 T1 meeting JRA1 commitments.

Not being met.