RALPP Atlas Ganga Notes

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Setting up your account to run Atlas Ganga

Use the RAL PPD Tier 2 SL4 front-ends (linux.pp.rl.ac.uk). Here is the first-time setup, to use <USER> scratch area /opt/ppd/scratch/<USER>:

% cp ~adye/testarea/13.0.40/setup.sh ~/testarea/13.0.40/setup.sh
% cp ~adye/testarea/13.0.40/WorkArea/run/submit.sh ~/testarea/13.0.40/WorkArea/run/submit.sh
% mkdir /opt/ppd/scratch/<USER>

For your convenience, you may want to replace ~/gangadir with a symlink to this directory.

% source ~/testarea/13.0.40/setup.sh
% ganga -g

Edit ~/.gangarc with the following settings (each must go in the same section as the commented-out setting with the same name):

local_root = /opt/ppd/scratch/<USER>/gangadir/repository
topdir = /opt/ppd/scratch/<USER>/gangadir/workspace
merge_output_dir = /opt/ppd/scratch/<USER>/gangadir/merge_results
VirtualOrganisation = atlas
ATLAS_SOFTWARE = /opt/ppd/atlas/sl4

Using Ganga to submit an Athena Job

Then, each time you log in:

% source ~/testarea/13.0.40/setup.sh
% cd ~/testarea/13.0.40/WorkArea/run

Create AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions_Ganga.py by commenting out InputCollections and EvtMax lines from AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py.

% ./submit.sh
% ganga --gui &
  1. Wait for job to complete.
  2. stdout is automatically copied to ~/gangadir/workspace/Local/<JOBNUM>/output if Ganga is running.
  3. Right click on job and select Extras -> Job.outputdata.retrieve to get AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root to this directory.

Alternatively, should be able to get root output with dq2_get (see datasetname in output data section of Job Details), but it didn't work for me (I can't get dq2_get working at all on PPD Tier 2).

Also, can watch individual jobs with edg-job-status https://... (from backend.id).

List of Ganga bugs, annoyances, and questions that maybe I'll post somewhere sometime

  • Warning messages displayed in yellow. Nearly invisible on a light background. Tried to fix in .gangarc with args = ['-colors','NoColor'], but that didn't change anything.
  • Ganga is very verbose. When run in "ganga athena" mode, surely it could just say what it is doing, not print pages of help and summary info. On the other hand, the summary info could be written to a log file.
  • If splitter used (--split 3 as in GangaTutorial43#3_1_Submitting_Athena_jobs_from, or uncommenting the split/merge lines in WorkBookGanga), then get error (more unreadable yellow!):
  • Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job : WARNING ApplicationConfigurationError: No inputdata has been specified. ... reverting job 12 to the new status
  • Have to keep Ganga open to watch for output. No simple "bjobs" shell command.
  • Can I find the output dataset name and EDG id without starting Ganga?

Tim Adye