Manchester MPI

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Currently there are two approaches we're aware of, the grid ireland method documented here and the tested solution for the manmace users, documented below.

Sample jdl.

Executable = "";
Arguments = "mpi-hello-world 4";
StdOutput = "mpi.out";
StdError = "mpi.err";
InputSandbox = {"./", "./mpi-hello-world"};
OutputSandbox = {"executable.out","mpi.out","mpi.err"};
Requirements = other.GlueCEUniqueID == "" ;
JobType = "MPICH";
NodeNumber = 4;

The script can be found here. (But unfortunately contains some spurious escaped \${NODEFILE} commands. Hacked version available here. )

Don't forget to change the queue to the name of the VO you're trying to run as, (eg. -babar)

You will also need to specify the CE when you submit the job, [1]

edg-job-submit -r   --lrms pbs mpi-test.jdl