Disk Pool Contents
This page describes the contents of a dCache disk pool.
dCache disk pool filesystems contain the following:
[root@dcache log]# ls /export/raid01/pool/ control data setup setup.orig setup.temp
The setup file holds information about the configuration of this disk pool such as its maximum size and how it interfaces with an attached HSM (if such a feature is enabled).
The data directory contains the actual data that the dCache stores:
[root@dcache pool]# ls data/ 000100000000000000001A78 00010000000000000002A6C8 00010000000000000004DAB0 000100000000000000001C20 00010000000000000002A6D8 00010000000000000004DCF0 000100000000000000001C30 00010000000000000002B1C0 00010000000000000004DF90 000100000000000000001C40 00010000000000000002B390 00010000000000000004E278 000100000000000000001C50 00010000000000000002B490 00010000000000000004E608
Corresponding to each PNFSid in the data directory, there should be two entries in the control directory:
[root@dcache pool]# ls control/ 000100000000000000094E18 SI-000100000000000000094E18 000100000000000000095B68 SI-000100000000000000095B68 000100000000000000096EE8 SI-000100000000000000096EE8 000100000000000000096F18 SI-000100000000000000096F18 000100000000000000096F30 SI-000100000000000000096F30
The file with the same PNFSid as the data file contains one of the following entries
- cached - this means that the file in this pool is a cached copy of the original file that exists elsewhere in the dCache system.
- precious - this copy of the file is the original copy and should not be deleted by the system.
- receiving.cient - this indicates that that the dCache thinks that data is still being received from the client for this file. In reality the transfer probably never completed.
The contents of the files with the names SI-PNFSid are serialized java objects, containing the dCache storage information about the file, i.e.:
size=1055162368;new=true;stored=false;sClass=myStore:STRING;cClass=-;hsm=osm; StoreName=myStore;store=myStore;group=STRING;bfid=<Unknown>;
You will only be able to read this information by running
java -classpath /opt/d-cache/classes/dcache.jar:. DumpSI /path/to/SI-file
after you have compiled the DumpSI.java code and placed the class file into /opt/d-cache/classes. The DumpSI.java code (if not already in the dCache distribution) can be found in the user-forum. The same storage information can be found via the dCache admin interface in the PnfsManager@PnfsDomain using the command:
storageinfoof PNFSid