DCache SRM v2.2 Configuration
This page collects together useful information on configuring a dCache SRM2.2 server.
- The main documentation can be found in the dCache Book.
- As well as the trac wiki.
- Additional material can be found in the SRM2.2 deployment workshop agenda page.
Examples of working configuration files are below.
PNFS tags
You may find it necessary (particularly if you are a disk only site) to specify the default access latency and retention policy in the PNFS directories. Remember, these tags are inherited by sub-directories upon creation of the sub-dir. If the sub-dir already exists, you will need to explicitly create the tags there as well.
cd /pnfs/epcc.ed.ac.uk/data/dteam echo ONLINE > ".(tag)(AccessLatency)" echo REPLICA > ".(tag)(RetentionPolicy)"
Reserving space
Once you have setup the link groups, you can make some space reservations in them by running the following command in the SrmSpaceManager cell.
reserve -vog=/lhcb -vor=lhcbprd -acclat=ONLINE -retpol=REPLICA -desc=LHCb_DST -lg=lhcb-linkGroup 24993207653 "-1"
You can look at the status of reservations and link groups by running:
ls -l
Publishing space token descriptions
Follow the instructions here. For disk only sites, it is necessary to hack the provider so that it does not look for any tape related information. Place the code in /opt/d-cache/gip or where ever you think is appropriate.
# # based on dCacheSetup.template $Revision: 1.33 $ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # config/dCacheSetup # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the central configuration file for a dCache instance. In most # cases it should be possible to keep it identical across the nodes of # one dCache instance. # # This template contains all options that can possibly be used. Most # may be left at the default value. If the option is commented out below # is indicates the default value. If it is not commented out it is set # to a reasonable value. # # To get a dCache instance running it suffices to change the options: # - java The java binary # - serviceLocatorHost The hostname of the admin node # The other values should only be changed when advised to do so by the # documentation. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Service Location # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Service Locater Host and Port # Adjust this to point to one unique server for one and only one # dCache instance (usually the admin node) # serviceLocatorHost=srm.epcc.ed.ac.uk serviceLocatorPort=11111 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Components # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # To activate Replica Manager you need make changes in all 3 places: # 1) etc/node_config on ALL ADMIN NODES in this dcache instance. # 2) replicaSetup file on node where replica manager is runnig # 3) define Resilient pool group(s) in PoolManager.conf # ---- Will Replica Manager be started? # Values: no, yes # Default: no # # This has to be set to 'yes' on every node, if there is a replica # manager in this dCache instance. Where the replica manager is started # is controlled in 'etc/node_config'. If it is not started and this is # set to 'yes' there will be error messages in log/dCacheDomain.log. If # this is set to 'no' and a replica manager is started somewhere, it will # not work properly. # # #replicaManager=no # ---- Which pool-group will be the group of resilient pools? # Values: <pool-Group-Name>, a pool-group name existing in the PoolManager.conf # Default: ResilientPools # # Only pools defined in pool group ResilientPools in config/PoolManager.conf # will be managed by ReplicaManager. You shall edit config/PoolManager.conf # to make replica manager work. To use another pool group defined # in PoolManager.conf for replication, please specify group name by changing setting : # #resilientGroupName=ResilientPools # Please scroll down "replica manager tuning" make this and other changes. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Java Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- The binary of the Java VM # Adjust to the correct location. # # shold point to <JDK>/bin/java #java="/usr/bin/java" java=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10/bin/java # # ---- Options for the Java VM # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # If the globus.tcp.port.range is changed, the # variable 'clientDataPortRange' below has to be changed accordingly. # java_options="-server -Xmx512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m \ -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=1800 \ -Dorg.globus.tcp.port.range=50000,51000 \ -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Dorg.dcache.dcap.port=0 \ -Dorg.dcache.net.tcp.portrange=51001:52000 \ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:${ourHomeDir}/config/log4j.properties \ " # Option for Kerberos5 authentication: # -Djava.security.krb5.realm=FNAL.GOV \ # -Djava.security.krb5.kdc=krb-fnal-1.fnal.gov \ # Other options that might be useful: # -Dlog4j.configuration=/opt/d-cache/config/log4j.properties \ # -Djavax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly=false \ # -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/d-cache/config/jgss.conf \ # -Xms400m \ # ---- Classpath # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # classesDir=${ourHomeDir}/classes classpath= # ---- Librarypath # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # Currently not used. Might contain .so librarys for JNI # librarypath=${ourHomeDir}/lib # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filesystem Locations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Location of the configuration files # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # config=${ourHomeDir}/config # ---- Location of the ssh # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # keyBase=${ourHomeDir}/config # ---- SRM/GridFTP authentication file # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # kpwdFile=${ourHomeDir}/etc/dcache.kpwd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # pool tuning # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # # poolIoQueue= # checkRepository=true # waitForRepositoryReady=false # # ---- Which meta data repository implementation to use. # Values: org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository # org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.db.BerkeleyDBMetaDataRepository # Default: org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository # # Selects which meta data repository implementation to use. This is # essentially a choice between storing meta data in a large number # of small files in the control/ directory, or to use the embedded # Berkeley database stored in the meta/ directory (both directories # placed in the pool directory). # # metaDataRepository=org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.db.BerkeleyDBMetaDataRepository # # ---- Which meta data repository to import from. # Values: org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository # org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.db.BerkeleyDBMetaDataRepository # "" # Default: "" # # Selects which meta data repository to import data from if the # information is missing from the main repository. This is useful # for converting from one repository implementation to another, # without having to fetch all the information from the central PNFS # manager. # # metaDataRepositoryImport=org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # gPlazma tuning # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # gplazmaPolicy=${ourHomeDir}/etc/dcachesrm-gplazma.policy # #gPlazmaNumberOfSimutaneousRequests 30 #gPlazmaRequestTimeout 30 # useGPlazmaAuthorizationModule=false useGPlazmaAuthorizationCell=true #delegateToGPlazma=false # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # dcap tuning # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gsidcapIoQueue= # gsidcapIoQueueOverwrite=denied # gsidcapMaxLogin=1500 # dcapIoQueue= # dcapIoQueueOverwrite=denied # dcapMaxLogin=1500 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # gsiftp tuning # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ---- Seconds between GridFTP performance markers # Set performanceMarkerPeriod to 180 to get performanceMarkers # every 3 minutes. # Set to 0 to disable performance markers. # Default: 180 # performanceMarkerPeriod=10 # # gsiftpPoolManagerTimeout=5400 # gsiftpPoolTimeout=600 # gsiftpPnfsTimeout=300 # gsiftpMaxRetries=80 # gsiftpMaxStreamsPerClient=10 # gsiftpDeleteOnConnectionClosed=true # gsiftpMaxLogin=100 # clientDataPortRange=20000:25000 # gsiftpIoQueue= # gsiftpAdapterInternalInterface= # remoteGsiftpIoQueue= # FtpTLogDir= # # ---- May pools accept incomming connection for GridFTP transfers? # Values: 'true', 'false' # Default: 'false' for FTP doors, 'true' for pools # # If set to true, pools are allowed accept incomming connections for # for FTP transfers. This only affects passive transfers. Only passive # transfers using GFD.47 GETPUT (aka GridFTP 2) can be redirected to # the pool. Other passive transfers will be channelled through a # proxy component at the FTP door. If set to false, all passive # transfers to through a proxy. # # This setting is interpreted by both FTP doors and pools, with # different defaults. If set to true at the door, then the setting # at the individual pool will be used. # # gsiftpAllowPassivePool=false # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # common to gsiftp and srm # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # srmSpaceManagerEnabled=yes # # will have no effect if srmSpaceManagerEnabled is "no" srmImplicitSpaceManagerEnabled=yes # overwriteEnabled=no # # ---- Image and style directories for the dCache-internal web server # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # images=${ourHomeDir}/docs/images styles=${ourHomeDir}/docs/styles # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Port Numbers for the various services # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # portBase=22 dCapPort=${portBase}125 ftpPort=${portBase}126 kerberosFtpPort=${portBase}127 dCapGsiPort=${portBase}128 #gsiFtpPortNumber=2811 srmPort=8443 xrootdPort=1094 # ---- GridFTP port range # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # clientDataPortRange=50000:52000 # ---- Port Numbers for the monitoring and administration # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # adminPort=${portBase}223 httpdPort=${portBase}88 sshPort=${portBase}124 # Telnet is only started if the telnetPort line is uncommented. # Debug only. #telnetPort=${portBase}123 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maintenance Module Setup # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # maintenanceLibPath=${ourHomeDir}/var/lib/dCache/maintenance # maintenanceLibAutogeneratePaths=true # maintenanceLogoutTime=18000 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The variable 'srmDbHost' is obsolete. For compatibility reasons, # it is still used if it is set and if the following variables are # not set # The current setup assumes that one or more PostgreSQL servers are # used by the various dCache components. Currently the database user # 'srmdcache' with password 'srmdcache' is used by all components. # They use the databases 'dcache', 'replicas', 'companion', # 'billing'. However, these might be located on separate hosts. # The best idea is to have the database server running on the same # host as the dCache component which accesses it. Therefore, the # default value for the following variables is 'localhost'. # Uncomment and change these variables only if you have a reason to # deviate from this scheme. # (One possibility would be, to put the 'billing' DB on another host than # the pnfs server DB and companion, but keep the httpDomain on the admin # host.) # ---- pnfs Companion Database Host # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # - Database name: companion # #companionDatabaseHost=localhost # ---- SRM Database Host # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # - Database name: dcache # - If srmDbHost is set and this is not set, srmDbHost is used. # #srmDatabaseHost=localhost # ---- Space Manager Database Host # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # - Database name: dcache # - If srmDbHost is set and this is not set, srmDbHost is used. # #spaceManagerDatabaseHost=localhost # ---- Pin Manager Database Host # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # - Database name: dcache # - If srmDbHost is set and this is not set, srmDbHost is used. # #pinManagerDatabaseHost=localhost # ---- Replica Manager Database Host # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # - Database name: replicas # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # replica manager tuning # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # replicaManagerDatabaseHost=localhost # replicaDbName=replicas # replicaDbUser=srmdcache # replicaDbPassword=srmdcache # replicaPasswordFile="" # resilientGroupName=ResilientPools # replicaPoolWatchDogPeriod=600 # replicaWaitDBUpdateTimeout=600 # replicaExcludedFilesExpirationTimeout=43200 # replicaDelayDBStartTimeout=1200 # replicaAdjustStartTimeout=1200 # replicaWaitReplicateTimeout=43200 # replicaWaitReduceTimeout=43200 # replicaDebug=false # replicaMaxWorkers=6 # replicaMin=2 # replicaMax=3 # # ---- Transfer / TCP Buffer Size # Do not change unless yoy know what you are doing. # bufferSize=1048576 tcpBufferSize=1048576 # ---- Allow overwrite of existing files via GSIdCap # allow=true, disallow=false # truncate=false # ---- pnfs Mount Point for (Grid-)FTP # The current FTP door needs pnfs to be mounted for some file exist # checks and for the directory listing. Therefore it needs to know # where pnfs is mounted. In future the Ftp and dCap deamons will # ask the pnfsManager cell for help and the directory listing is # done by a DirListPool. ftpBase=/pnfs/ftpBase # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # pnfs Manager Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ---- pnfs Mount Point # The mount point of pnfs on the admin node. Default: /pnfs/fs # pnfs=/pnfs/fs # An older version of the pnfsManager actually autodetects the # possible pnfs filesystems. The ${defaultPnfsServer} is choosen # from the list and used as primary pnfs filesystem. (currently the # others are ignored). The ${pnfs} variable can be used to override # this mechanism. # # defaultPnfsServer=localhost # # -- leave this unless you are running an enstore HSM backend. # # pnfsInfoExtractor=diskCacheV111.util.OsmInfoExtractor # # -- depending on the power of your pnfs server host you may # set this to up to 50. # # pnfsNumberOfThreads=4 # # -- don't change this # # namespaceProvider=diskCacheV111.namespace.provider.BasicNameSpaceProviderFactory # # --- change this if you configured you postgres instance # other then described in the Book. # # pnfsDbUser=srmdcache # pnfsDbPassword=srmdcache # pnfsPasswordFile= # # ---- Storage Method for cacheinfo: companion or pnfs # Values: 'comanion' -- cacheinfo will be stored in separate DB # other or missing -- cacheinfo will be stored in pnfs # Default: 'pnfs' -- for backward compatibility of old dCacheSetup files # # 'companion' is the default for new installs. Old installations have # to use 'pnfs register' in every pool after switching from 'pnfs' to # 'companion'. See the documentation. # cacheInfo=companion # # # # ---- Location of the trash directory # The cleaner (which can only run on the pnfs server machine itself) # autodetects the 'trash' directory. Non-empty 'trash' overwrites the # autodetect. # #trash= # The cleaner stores persistency information in subdirectories of # the following directory. # # cleanerDB=/opt/pnfsdb/pnfs/trash/2 # cleanerRefresh=120 # cleanerRecover=240 # cleanerPoolTimeout=100 # cleanerProcessFilesPerRun=500 # cleanerArchive=none # # ---- Whether to enable the HSM cleaner # Values: 'disabled', 'enabled' # Default: 'disabled' # # The HSM cleaner scans the PNFS trash directory for deleted # files stored on an HSM and sends a request to an attached # pool to delete that file from the HSM. # # The HSM cleaner by default runs in the PNFS domain. To # enable the cleaner, this setting needs to be set to enabled # at the PNFS domain *and* at all pools that are supposed # to delete files from an HSM. # # hsmCleaner=disabled # # # ---- Location of trash directory for files on tape # The HSM cleaner periodically scans this directory to # detect deleted files. # # hsmCleanerTrash=/opt/pnfsdb/pnfs/1 # # ---- Location of repository directory of the HSM cleaner # The HSM cleaner uses this directory to store information # about files in could not clean right away. The cleaner # will reattempt to clean the files later. # # hsmCleanerRepository=/opt/pnfsdb/pnfs/1/repository # # ---- Interval between scans of the trash directory # Specifies the time in seconds between two scans of the # trash directory. # # hsmCleanerScan=90 # # ---- Interval between retries # Specifies the time in seconds between two attempts to # clean files stored in the cleaner repository. # # hsmCleanerRecover=3600 # # ---- Interval between flushing failures to the repository # When the cleaner failes to clean a file, information about this # file is added to the repository. This setting specifies the time # in seconds between flushes to the repository. Until the # information is kept in memory and in the trash directory. # # Each flush will create a new file. A lower value will cause the # repository to be split into more files. A higher value will cause # a higher memory usage and a larger number of files in the trash # directory. # # hsmCleanerFlush=60 # # ---- Max. length of in memory queue of files to clean # When the trash directory is scanned, information about deleted # files is queued in memory. This setting specifies the maximum # length of this queue. When the queue length is reached, scanning # is suspended until files have been cleaned or flushed to the # repository. # # hsmCleanerCleanerQueue=10000 # # ---- Timeout for pool communication # Files are cleaned from an HSM by sending a message to a pool to # do so. This specifies the timeout in seconds after which the # operation is considered failed. # # hsmCleanerTimeout=120 # # ---- Maximum concurrent requests to a single HSM # Files are cleaned in batches. This specified the largest number # of files to include in a batch per HSM. # # hsmCleanerRequest=100 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory Pools # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #directoryPoolPnfsBase=/pnfs/fs # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Srm Settings for experts # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # srmVersion=version1 # pnfsSrmPath=/ parallelStreams=1 #srmAuthzCacheLifetime=60 # srmGetLifeTime=14400000 # srmPutLifeTime=14400000 # srmCopyLifeTime=14400000 # srmTimeout=3600 # srmVacuum=true # srmVacuumPeriod=21600 # srmProxiesDirectory=/tmp # srmBufferSize=1048576 # srmTcpBufferSize=1048576 # srmDebug=true # srmGetReqThreadQueueSize=10000 # srmGetReqThreadPoolSize=250 # srmGetReqMaxWaitingRequests=1000 # srmGetReqReadyQueueSize=10000 # srmGetReqMaxReadyRequests=2000 # srmGetReqMaxNumberOfRetries=10 # srmGetReqRetryTimeout=60000 # srmGetReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner=100 # srmPutReqThreadQueueSize=10000 # srmPutReqThreadPoolSize=250 # srmPutReqMaxWaitingRequests=1000 # srmPutReqReadyQueueSize=10000 # srmPutReqMaxReadyRequests=1000 # srmPutReqMaxNumberOfRetries=10 # srmPutReqRetryTimeout=60000 # srmPutReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner=100 # srmCopyReqThreadQueueSize=10000 # srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize=250 # srmCopyReqMaxWaitingRequests=1000 # srmCopyReqMaxNumberOfRetries=10 # srmCopyReqRetryTimeout=60000 # srmCopyReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner=100 # srmPoolManagerTimeout=300 # srmPoolTimeout=300 # srmPnfsTimeout=300 # srmMoverTimeout=7200 # remoteCopyMaxTransfers=150 # remoteHttpMaxTransfers=30 # remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers=${srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize} # # srmDbName=dcache # srmDbUser=srmdcache # srmDbPassword=srmdcache # srmDbLogEnabled=false # # This variable enables logging of the history # of the srm request transitions in the database # so that it can be examined though the srmWatch # monitoring tool # srmJdbcMonitoringLogEnabled=false # # turning this on turns off the latest changes that made service # to honor the srm client's prococol list order for # get/put commands # this is needed temprorarily to support old srmcp clients # srmIgnoreClientProtocolOrder=false # # -- Set this to /root/.pgpass in case # you need to have better security. # # srmPasswordFile= # # -- Set this to true if you want overwrite to be enabled for # srm v1.1 interface as well as for srm v2.2 interface when # client does not specify desired overwrite mode. # This option will be considered only if overwriteEnabled is # set to yes (or true) # # srmOverwriteByDefault=false # ----srmCustomGetHostByAddr enables using the BNL developed # procedure for host by ip resolution if standard # InetAddress method failed # srmCustomGetHostByAddr=false # ---- Allow automatic creation of directories via SRM # allow=true, disallow=false # RecursiveDirectoryCreation=true # ---- Allow delete via SRM # allow=true, disallow=false # AdvisoryDelete=true # # pinManagerDatabaseHost=${srmDbHost} # spaceManagerDatabaseHost=${srmDbHost} # # ----if space reservation request does not specify retention policy # we will assign this retention policy by default SpaceManagerDefaultRetentionPolicy=REPLICA # # ----if space reservation request does not specify access latency # we will assign this access latency by default SpaceManagerDefaultAccessLatency=ONLINE # # ----if the transfer request come from the door, and there was not prior # space reservation made for this file, should we try to reserve # space before satisfying the request SpaceManagerReserveSpaceForNonSRMTransfers=true # LinkGroupAuthorizationFile contains the list of FQANs that are allowed to # make space reservations in a given link group SpaceManagerLinkGroupAuthorizationFileName=/opt/d-cache/etc/LinkGroupAuthorization.conf # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Directory for the Log Files # Default: ${ourHomeDir}/log/ (if unset or empty) # logArea=/var/log # ---- Restart Behaviour # Values: 'new' -- logfiles will be moved to LOG.old at restart. # other or missing -- logfiles will be appended at restart. # Default: 'keep' # #logMode=keep # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Billing / Accounting # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The directory the billing logs are written to billingDb=${ourHomeDir}/billing # If billing information should be written to a # PostgreSQL database set to 'yes'. # A database called 'billing' has to be created there. billingToDb=yes # The PostgreSQL database host: #billingDatabaseHost=localhost # EXPERT: First is default if billingToDb=no, second for billingToDb=yes # Do NOT put passwords in setup file! They can be read by anyone logging into # the dCache admin interface! #billingDbParams= #billingDbParams="\ # -useSQL \ # -jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://${billingDatabaseHost}/billing \ # -jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver \ # -dbUser=srmdcache \ # -dbPass=srmdcache \ # " # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Info Provider # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The following variables are used by the dynamic info provider, which # is used for integration of dCache as a storage element in the LCG # information system. All variables are used by the client side of the # dynamic info provider which is called regularly by the LCG GIP (generic # info provider). It consists of the two scripts # jobs/infoDynamicSE-plugin-dcache # jobs/infoDynamicSE-provider-dcache # # ---- Seconds between information retrievals # Default: 180 #infoCollectorInterval=180 # ---- The static file used by the GIP # This is also used by the plugin to determine the info it should # output. # Default: /opt/lcg/var/gip/ldif/lcg-info-static-se.ldif infoProviderStaticFile=/opt/lcg/var/gip/ldif/static-file-SE.ldif # ---- The host where the InfoCollector cell runs # Default: localhost #infoCollectorHost=localhost # ---- The port where the InfoCollector cell will listen # This will be used by the InfoCollector cell as well as the dynamic # info provider scripts # Default: 22111 #infoCollectorPort=22111 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Statistics module # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - point to place where statistic will be store statisticsLocation=${ourHomeDir}/statistics # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # xrootd section # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # forbids write access in general (to avoid unauthenticated writes). Overrides all other authorization settings. # xrootdIsReadOnly=true # # allow write access only to selected paths (and its subdirectories). Overrides any remote authorization settings (like from the filecatalogue) # xrootdAllowedPaths=/path1:/path2:/path3 # # This will allow to enable authorization in the xrootd door by specifying a valid # authorization plugin. There is only one plugin in the moment, implementing token based # authorization controlled by a remote filecatalogue. This requires an additional parameter # 'keystore', holding keypairs needed to do the authorization plugin. A template keystore # can be found in ${ourHomeDir}/etc/keystore.temp. # xrootdAuthzPlugin=org.dcache.xrootd.security.plugins.tokenauthz.TokenAuthorizationFactory # xrootdAuthzKeystore=${ourHomeDir}/etc/keystore # the mover queue on the pool where this request gets scheduled to # xrootdIoQueue=
# # Setup of PoolManager (diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolManagerV5) at Fri Feb 01 12:23:15 GMT 2008 # set timeout pool 120 # # # Printed by diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnitV2 at Fri Feb 01 12:23:15 GMT 2008 # # # # The units ... # psu create unit -store atlas:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store babar:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store pheno:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store hone:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -net psu create unit -store dteam:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store ops:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store ngs:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store pheno:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store geant4:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store minos:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store ilc:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store esr:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store magic:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store alice:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store hone:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store zeus:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store alice:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store cms:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store magic:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store dteam:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store lhcb:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store t2k:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store geant4:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store cdf:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store biomed:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store cms:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store ngs:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store planck:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store biomed:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store sixt:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store na48:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store fusion:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store atlas:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store ops:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store fusion:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store ilc:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store zeus:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store babar:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store na48:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store planck:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store minos:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -protocol */* psu create unit -store dzero:GENERATED@osm psu create unit -store cdf:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store *@* psu create unit -store t2k:STATIC@osm psu create unit -net psu create unit -store dzero:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store esr:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store lhcb:STATIC@osm psu create unit -store sixt:STATIC@osm # # The unit Groups ... # psu create ugroup ngs-groups psu addto ugroup ngs-groups ngs:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup ngs-groups ngs:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup na48-groups psu addto ugroup na48-groups na48:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup na48-groups na48:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup fusion-groups psu addto ugroup fusion-groups fusion:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup fusion-groups fusion:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup zeus-groups psu addto ugroup zeus-groups zeus:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup zeus-groups zeus:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup esr-groups psu addto ugroup esr-groups esr:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup esr-groups esr:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup geant4-groups psu addto ugroup geant4-groups geant4:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup geant4-groups geant4:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup alice-groups psu addto ugroup alice-groups alice:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup alice-groups alice:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup sixt-groups psu addto ugroup sixt-groups sixt:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup sixt-groups sixt:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup ops psu addto ugroup ops ops:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup ops ops:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup dzero-groups psu addto ugroup dzero-groups dzero:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup dzero-groups dzero:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup atlas-groups psu addto ugroup atlas-groups atlas:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup atlas-groups atlas:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup lhcb-groups psu addto ugroup lhcb-groups lhcb:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup lhcb-groups lhcb:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup cms-groups psu addto ugroup cms-groups cms:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup cms-groups cms:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup minos-groups psu addto ugroup minos-groups minos:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup minos-groups minos:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup hone-groups psu addto ugroup hone-groups hone:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup hone-groups hone:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup pheno-groups psu addto ugroup pheno-groups pheno:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup pheno-groups pheno:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup planck-groups psu addto ugroup planck-groups planck:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup planck-groups planck:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup babar-groups psu addto ugroup babar-groups babar:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup babar-groups babar:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup dteam-groups psu addto ugroup dteam-groups dteam:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup dteam-groups dteam:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup world-net psu addto ugroup world-net psu create ugroup magic-groups psu addto ugroup magic-groups magic:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup magic-groups magic:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup ilc-groups psu addto ugroup ilc-groups ilc:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup ilc-groups ilc:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup t2k-groups psu addto ugroup t2k-groups t2k:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup t2k-groups t2k:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup cdf-groups psu addto ugroup cdf-groups cdf:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup cdf-groups cdf:GENERATED@osm psu create ugroup ops-groups psu addto ugroup ops-groups ops:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup ops-groups ops:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup dteam psu create ugroup any-store psu addto ugroup any-store atlas:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store babar:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store pheno:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store hone:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store dteam:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ngs:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ops:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store pheno:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store geant4:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store minos:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ilc:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store esr:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store magic:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store alice:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store hone:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store zeus:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store alice:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store cms:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store magic:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store dteam:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store t2k:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store lhcb:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store geant4:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store cdf:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store biomed:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store cms:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ngs:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store planck:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store biomed:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store sixt:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store na48:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store fusion:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store atlas:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store fusion:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ops:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store ilc:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store zeus:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store babar:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store na48:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store planck:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store minos:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store dzero:GENERATED@osm psu addto ugroup any-store cdf:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store *@* psu addto ugroup any-store t2k:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store dzero:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store esr:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store lhcb:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup any-store sixt:STATIC@osm psu create ugroup biomed-groups psu addto ugroup biomed-groups biomed:STATIC@osm psu addto ugroup biomed-groups biomed:GENERATED@osm # # The pools ... # psu create pool pool1_23 psu create pool pool1_01 psu create pool pool1_24 psu create pool pool2_4 psu create pool pool1_04 psu create pool pool1_02 psu create pool pool2_00 psu create pool pool1_26 psu create pool pool1_05 psu create pool pool1_03 psu create pool pool1_27 psu create pool pool1_14 psu create pool pool2_01 psu create pool pool2_2 psu create pool pool1_19 psu create pool pool1_16 psu create pool pool1_25 psu create pool pool2_06 psu create pool pool1_20 psu create pool pool1_06 psu create pool pool2_7 psu create pool pool1_28 psu create pool pool1_12 psu create pool pool2_1 psu create pool pool2_03 psu create pool pool2_04 psu create pool pool1_09 psu create pool pool2_5 psu create pool pool2_05 psu create pool pool1_10 psu create pool pool2_6 psu create pool pool1_08 psu create pool pool1_07 psu create pool pool1_21 psu create pool pool1_17 psu create pool pool1_18 psu create pool pool2_02 psu create pool pool2_3 # # The pool groups ... # psu create pgroup na48 psu create pgroup lhcb2 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_09 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_10 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_19 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_16 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool2_00 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_17 psu addto pgroup lhcb2 pool1_18 psu create pgroup ResilientPools psu create pgroup hone psu create pgroup ops psu addto pgroup ops pool2_01 psu addto pgroup ops pool1_28 psu create pgroup dzero psu create pgroup esr psu create pgroup minos psu create pgroup geant4 psu create pgroup lhcb psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_12 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_03 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_04 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_09 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_05 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_01 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_14 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_19 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_16 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_06 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_20 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_18 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool2_02 psu addto pgroup lhcb pool1_17 psu create pgroup zeus psu addto pgroup zeus pool1_12 psu create pgroup planck psu create pgroup sixt psu create pgroup babar psu create pgroup cms psu addto pgroup cms pool1_12 psu create pgroup pheno psu create pgroup cdf psu create pgroup magic psu create pgroup default psu create pgroup atlas psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_05 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_09 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_03 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_08 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_01 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_06 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_04 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_02 psu addto pgroup atlas pool1_07 psu create pgroup ngs psu create pgroup alice psu create pgroup ilc psu create pgroup t2k psu create pgroup biomed psu addto pgroup biomed pool1_12 psu create pgroup dteam psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_23 psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_27 psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_25 psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_24 psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_28 psu addto pgroup dteam pool1_26 psu create pgroup fusion # # The links ... # psu create link ilc-link ilc-groups world-net psu set link ilc-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link ilc-link ilc psu create link geant4-link geant4-groups world-net psu set link geant4-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link geant4-link geant4 psu create link lhcb-link world-net lhcb-groups psu set link lhcb-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link lhcb-link lhcb psu create link ngs-link ngs-groups world-net psu set link ngs-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link ngs-link ngs psu create link t2k-link t2k-groups world-net psu set link t2k-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link t2k-link t2k psu create link magic-link magic-groups world-net psu set link magic-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link magic-link magic psu create link babar-link babar-groups world-net psu set link babar-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link babar-link babar psu create link lhcb-link2 world-net lhcb-groups psu set link lhcb-link2 -readpref=20 -writepref=30 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link lhcb-link2 lhcb2 psu create link esr-link esr-groups world-net psu set link esr-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link esr-link esr psu create link planck-link planck-groups world-net psu set link planck-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link planck-link planck psu create link fusion-link fusion-groups world-net psu set link fusion-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link fusion-link fusion psu create link dteam-link dteam-groups world-net psu set link dteam-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link dteam-link dteam psu create link zeus-link zeus-groups world-net psu set link zeus-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link zeus-link zeus psu create link hone-link hone-groups world-net psu set link hone-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link hone-link hone psu create link sixt-link world-net sixt-groups psu set link sixt-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link sixt-link sixt psu create link biomed-link biomed-groups world-net psu set link biomed-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link biomed-link biomed psu create link ops-link ops world-net psu set link ops-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link ops-link ops psu create link cdf-link cdf-groups world-net psu set link cdf-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link cdf-link cdf psu create link na48-link na48-groups world-net psu set link na48-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link na48-link na48 psu create link dzero-link dzero-groups world-net psu set link dzero-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link dzero-link dzero psu create link default-link any-store world-net psu set link default-link -readpref=10 -writepref=0 -cachepref=10 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link default-link default psu create link cms-link cms-groups world-net psu set link cms-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link cms-link cms psu create link minos-link minos-groups world-net psu set link minos-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link minos-link minos psu create link alice-link alice-groups world-net psu set link alice-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link alice-link alice psu create link pheno-link pheno-groups world-net psu set link pheno-link -readpref=20 -writepref=20 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link pheno-link pheno psu create link atlas-link atlas-groups world-net psu set link atlas-link -readpref=20 -writepref=10 -cachepref=20 -p2ppref=-1 psu add link atlas-link atlas # # The link Groups ... # # dteam, ops psu create linkGroup dteam-linkGroup psu set linkGroup custodialAllowed dteam-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup replicaAllowed dteam-linkGroup true psu set linkGroup nearlineAllowed dteam-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup outputAllowed dteam-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup onlineAllowed dteam-linkGroup true psu addto linkGroup dteam-linkGroup dteam-link psu addto linkGroup dteam-linkGroup ops-link # lhcb psu create linkGroup lhcb-linkGroup psu set linkGroup custodialAllowed lhcb-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup replicaAllowed lhcb-linkGroup true psu set linkGroup nearlineAllowed lhcb-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup outputAllowed lhcb-linkGroup false psu set linkGroup onlineAllowed lhcb-linkGroup true psu addto linkGroup lhcb-linkGroup lhcb-link2 # # Submodule [rc] : class diskCacheV111.poolManager.RequestContainerV5 # rc onerror suspend rc set max retries 3 rc set retry 900 rc set warning path billing rc set poolpingtimer 600 rc set max restore unlimited rc set sameHostCopy besteffort rc set sameHostRetry notchecked rc set max threads 2147483647 set pool decision -cpucostfactor=1.0 -spacecostfactor=2.0 set costcuts -idle=0.0 -p2p=2.0 -alert=0.0 -halt=0.0 -fallback=0.0 rc set p2p on rc set p2p oncost rc set stage oncost off rc set stage off rc set slope 0.0 rc set max copies 500
LinkGroup dteam-linkGroup dteam001/Role=* /dteam/Role=* ops001/Role=* /ops/Role=* LinkGroup lhcb-linkGroup lhcb001/Role=* /lhcb/Role=* LinkGroup atlas-linkGroup atlas001/Role=* /atlas/Role=*
You shouldn't have to change this, but just in case.
# # $Id: srm.batch,v 1.35 2007-10-27 02:45:18 timur Exp $ # set printout default 2 set printout CellGlue none onerror shutdown # check -strong setupFile # copy file:${setupFile} context:setupContext # # import the variables into our $context. # don't overwrite already existing variables. # import context -c setupContext # # Make sure we got what we need. # check -strong serviceLocatorPort serviceLocatorHost check -strong srmPort # # create dmg.cells.services.RoutingManager RoutingMgr # # The LocationManager Part # create dmg.cells.services.LocationManager lm \ "${serviceLocatorHost} ${serviceLocatorPort}" # # # srm c e l l # # # Default values (it not specified in dCacheSetup # onerror continue set context -c srmVersion version1 set context -c srmDbHost localhost set context -c srmDatabaseHost ${srmDbHost} set context -c srmDbName dcache set context -c srmDbUser srmdcache set context -c srmDbPassword srmdcache set context -c srmPasswordFile "" set context -c useGPlazmaAuthorizationCell true set context -c delegateToGPlazma false set context -c useGPlazmaAuthorizationModule false set context -c gplazmaPolicy ${ourHomeDir}/etc/dcachesrm-gplazma.policy set context -c srmAuthzCacheLifetime 180 set context -c parallelStreams 10 set context -c srmTimeout 3600 set context -c srmVacuum true set context -c srmVacuumPeriod 21600 set context -c srmBufferSize 1048576 set context -c srmTcpBufferSize 1048576 set context -c srmDebug true set context -c srmGetReqThreadQueueSize 10000 set context -c srmGetReqThreadPoolSize 250 set context -c srmGetReqMaxWaitingRequests 1000 set context -c srmGetReqReadyQueueSize 10000 set context -c srmGetReqMaxReadyRequests 2000 set context -c srmGetReqMaxNumberOfRetries 10 set context -c srmGetReqRetryTimeout 60000 set context -c srmGetReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner 100 set context -c srmPutReqThreadQueueSize 10000 set context -c srmPutReqThreadPoolSize 250 set context -c srmPutReqMaxWaitingRequests 1000 set context -c srmPutReqReadyQueueSize 10000 set context -c srmPutReqMaxReadyRequests 1000 set context -c srmPutReqMaxNumberOfRetries 10 set context -c srmPutReqRetryTimeout 60000 set context -c srmPutReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner 100 set context -c srmCopyReqThreadQueueSize 10000 set context -c srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize 250 set context -c srmCopyReqMaxWaitingRequests 1000 set context -c srmCopyReqMaxNumberOfRetries 10 set context -c srmCopyReqRetryTimeout 60000 set context -c srmCopyReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner 100 set context -c srmGetLifeTime 14400000 set context -c srmPutLifeTime 14400000 set context -c srmCopyLifeTime 14400000 set context -c srmVacuum true set context -c srmVacuumPeriod 21600 set context -c pnfsSrmPath / set context -c srmPoolManagerTimeout 300 set context -c srmPoolTimeout 300 set context -c srmPnfsTimeout 300 set context -c srmMoverTimeout 7200 set context -c remoteCopyMaxTransfers 150 set context -c remoteHttpMaxTransfers 30 set context -c remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers ${srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize} set context -c remoteGsiftpIoQueue "" set context -c srmDbLogEnabled false set context -c RecursiveDirectoryCreation true set context -c AdvisoryDelete true set context -c kpwdFile ${ourHomeDir}/etc/dcache.kpwd set context -c useLambdaStation false set context -c lsMapFile ${ourHomeDir}/lambdastation/config/l_station_map.xml set context -c lsScript ${ourHomeDir}/lambdastation/scripts/open_ls_ticket set context -c overwriteEnabled false set context -c srmOverwriteByDefault false # this is the directory in which the delegated user credentials will be stored # as files. We recommend set permissions to 700 on this dir set context -c srmUserCredentialsDirectory ${ourHomeDir}/credentials set context -c srmPnfsManager PnfsManager set context -c srmPoolManager PoolManager #login broker timeout in millis set context -c srmLoginBrokerUpdatePeriod 3000 #pool manager timeout in seconds set context -c srmPoolManagerTimeout 60 #number of doors in the random selection #srm will order doors according to their load #and select sertain number of the least loaded #and then randomly choose which one to use set context -c srmNumberOfDoorsInRandomSelection 5 #srm will hold srm requests and their history in database # for srmNumberOfDaysInDatabaseHistory days #after that they will be removed set context -c srmNumberOfDaysInDatabaseHistory 10 # how frequently to remove old requests from the database set context -c srmOldRequestRemovalPeriodSeconds 60 # srmJdbcMonitoringLogEnabled is set to true srm will store sufficient # information about srm requests and their execution history in database # for monitoring interface to work # if it is set to false, only the absiolutely necessary information will be stored set context -c srmJdbcMonitoringLogEnabled false #jdbc updates are now queued and their execution is #decoupled from the execution of the srm requests # the srmJdbcExecutionThreadNum controls the number of the threads #that will be dedicated to execution of these updates # and the srmMaxNumberOfJdbcTasksInQueue controls the maximum # length of the queue set context -c srmJdbcExecutionThreadNum 5 set context -c srmMaxNumberOfJdbcTasksInQueue 1000 # if space reservation request does not specify retention policy # we will assign this retention policy by default set context -c SpaceManagerDefaultRetentionPolicy CUSTODIAL # if space reservation request does not specify access latency # we will assign this access latency by default set context -c SpaceManagerDefaultAccessLatency NEARLINE #if the transfer request come from the door, and there was not prior # space reservation made for this file, should we try to reserve # space before satisfying the request set context -c SpaceManagerReserveSpaceForNonSRMTransfers false # # ---- Usage of Srm Space Manager # # If srmSpaceManagerEnabled is on we need to use SrmSpaceManager # as both poolManager and poolProxy # onerror continue set context -c srmSpaceManagerEnabled no define env srmSpaceManagerOn.exe endExe set env -c remoteTransferManagerPoolProxy "SrmSpaceManager" set env -c remoteTransferManagerPoolManager "SrmSpaceManager" set context -c srmImplicitSpaceManagerEnabled true set context -c srmSpaceReservationStrict true endExe define env srmSpaceManagerOff.exe endExe srmSpaceReservation=false srmSpaceReservationStrict=false endExe eval ${srmSpaceManagerEnabled} yes == set env srmSpaceManagerIsOn ${rc} exec env srmSpaceManagerOn.exe -run -ifok=srmSpaceManagerIsOn eval ${srmSpaceManageriEnabled} yes != set env srmSpaceManagerIsOff ${rc} exec env srmSpaceManagerOff.exe -run -ifok=srmSpaceManagerIsOff set context -c remoteTransferManagerPoolProxy "PoolManager" set context -c remoteTransferManagerPoolManager "PoolManager" # srmCustomGetHostByAddr enables using the BNL developed procedure # for host by ip resolution if standard InetAddress method failed # set context -c srmCustomGetHostByAddr false # LinkGroupAuthorizationFile contains the list of FQANs that are allowed to # make space reservations in a given link group set context -c SpaceManagerLinkGroupAuthorizationFileName "" # # turning this on turns off the latest changes that made service # to honor the srm client's prococol list order for # get/put commands # this is needed temprorarily to support old srmcp clients set context -c srmIgnoreClientProtocolOrder false # # onerror shutdown # ### This would do the same and leave ${srmDbHost} unset #onerror continue #set context localhost.exe "set context -c srmDatabaseHost localhost" #set context srmdbhost.exe "set context -c srmDatabaseHost ${srmDbHost}" #check srmDbHost #set context srmDbHostIsSet ${rc} #exec context srmdbhost.exe -run -ifok=srmDbHostIsSet #exec context localhost.exe -run -ifnotok=srmDbHostIsSet #onerror shutdown # create diskCacheV111.util.ThreadManager ThreadManager \ "default \ -num-threads=200 \ -thread-timeout=15 \ " # # RemoteHttpTransferManager # # create diskCacheV111.doors.RemoteHttpTransferManager RemoteHttpTransferManager \ "default \ -export \ -pool_manager_timeout=${srmPoolManagerTimeout} \ -pool_timeout=${srmPoolTimeout} \ -pnfs_timeout=${srmPnfsTimeout} \ -mover_timeout=${srmMoverTimeout} \ -max_transfers=${remoteHttpMaxTransfers} \ " # # RemoteGsiftpTransferManager # create diskCacheV111.services.GsiftpTransferManager RemoteGsiftpTransferManager \ "default -export \ -pool_manager_timeout=${srmPoolManagerTimeout} \ -pool_timeout=${srmPoolTimeout} \ -pnfs_timeout=${srmPnfsTimeout} \ -mover_timeout=${srmMoverTimeout} \ -max_transfers=${remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers} \ -io-queue=${remoteGsiftpIoQueue} \ -jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://${srmDatabaseHost}/${srmDbName} \ -jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver \ -dbUser=${srmDbUser} \ -dbPass=${srmDbPassword} \ -pgPass=${srmPasswordFile} \ -doDbLog=${srmDbLogEnabled} \ -poolManager=${remoteTransferManagerPoolManager} \ -poolProxy=${remoteTransferManagerPoolProxy} \ " # # Copy Manager Cell # create diskCacheV111.doors.CopyManager CopyManager \ "default -export \ -pool_manager_timeout=${srmPoolManagerTimeout} \ -pool_timeout=${srmPoolTimeout} \ -pnfs_timeout=${srmPnfsTimeout} \ -mover_timeout=${srmMoverTimeout} \ -max_transfers=${remoteCopyMaxTransfers} \ -poolManager=${remoteTransferManagerPoolManager} \ -poolProxy=${remoteTransferManagerPoolProxy} \ " # # SRM Space Manager # create diskCacheV111.services.space.ManagerV2 SrmSpaceManager \ "default \ -export \ -jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://${srmDatabaseHost}/${srmDbName} \ -jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver \ -dbUser=${srmDbUser} \ -dbPass=${srmDbPassword} \ -poolManager=PoolManager \ -pnfsManager=PnfsManager \ -defaultRetentionPolicy=${SpaceManagerDefaultRetentionPolicy} \ -defaultAccessLatency=${SpaceManagerDefaultAccessLatency} \ -reserveSpaceForNonSRMTransfers=${SpaceManagerReserveSpaceForNonSRMTransfers} \ -deleteStoredFileRecord=false \ -returnFlushedSpaceToReservation=true \ -returnRemovedSpaceToReservation=true \ -linkGroupAuthorizationFileName=${SpaceManagerLinkGroupAuthorizationFileName} \ -spaceManagerEnabled=${srmSpaceManagerEnabled} \ " create diskCacheV111.srm.dcache.Storage SRM-${thisHostname} \ "-srmport=${srmPort} \ -export \ -srmversion=${srmVersion} \ -timout=${srmTimeout} \ -pnfsManager=${srmPnfsManager} \ -pnfs-timeout=${srmPnfsTimeout} \ -poolManager=${srmPoolManager} \ -pool-manager-timeout=${srmPoolManagerTimeout} \ -vacuum=${srmVacuum} \ -vacuum-period=${srmVacuumPeriod} \ -pnfs-srm-path=${pnfsSrmPath} \ -gsissl=true \ -reserve-space-implicitly=${srmImplicitSpaceManagerEnabled} \ -space-reservation-strict=${srmSpaceReservationStrict} \ -credentials-dir=${srmUserCredentialsDirectory} \ -buffer_size=${srmBufferSize} \ -tcp_buffer_size=${srmTcpBufferSize} \ -parallel_streams=${parallelStreams} \ -debug=${srmDebug} \ -usekftp=false \ -get-lifetime=${srmGetLifeTime} \ -put-lifetime=${srmPutLifeTime} \ -copy-lifetime=${srmCopyLifeTime} \ -get-req-thread-queue-size=${srmGetReqThreadQueueSize} \ -get-req-thread-pool-size=${srmGetReqThreadPoolSize} \ -get-req-max-waiting-requests=${srmGetReqMaxWaitingRequests} \ -get-req-ready-queue-size=${srmGetReqReadyQueueSize} \ -get-req-max-ready-requests=${srmGetReqMaxReadyRequests} \ -get-req-max-number-of-retries=${srmGetReqMaxNumberOfRetries} \ -get-req-retry-timeout=${srmGetReqRetryTimeout} \ -get-req-max-num-of-running-by-same-owner=${srmGetReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner} \ -put-req-thread-queue-size=${srmPutReqThreadQueueSize} \ -put-req-thread-pool-size=${srmPutReqThreadPoolSize} \ -put-req-max-waiting-requests=${srmPutReqMaxWaitingRequests} \ -put-req-ready-queue-size=${srmPutReqReadyQueueSize} \ -put-req-max-ready-requests=${srmPutReqMaxReadyRequests} \ -put-req-max-number-of-retries=${srmPutReqMaxNumberOfRetries} \ -put-req-retry-timeout=${srmPutReqRetryTimeout} \ -put-req-max-num-of-running-by-same-owner=${srmPutReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner} \ -copy-req-thread-queue-size=${srmCopyReqThreadQueueSize} \ -copy-req-thread-pool-size=${srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize} \ -copy-req-max-waiting-requests=${srmCopyReqMaxWaitingRequests} \ -copy-req-max-number-of-retries=${srmCopyReqMaxNumberOfRetries} \ -copy-req-retry-timeout=${srmCopyReqRetryTimeout} \ -copy-req-max-num-of-running-by-same-owner=${srmCopyReqMaxNumOfRunningBySameOwner} \ -recursive-dirs-creation=${RecursiveDirectoryCreation} \ -advisory-delete=${AdvisoryDelete} \ -jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://${srmDatabaseHost}/${srmDbName} \ -jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver \ -dbUser=${srmDbUser} \ -dbPass=${srmDbPassword} \ -pgPass=${srmPasswordFile} \ -jdbc-monitoring-log=${srmJdbcMonitoringLogEnabled} \ -num-days-history=${srmNumberOfDaysInDatabaseHistory} \ -old-request-remove-period-secs=${srmOldRequestRemovalPeriodSeconds} \ -jdbc-execution-thread-num=${srmJdbcExecutionThreadNum} \ -max-queued-jdbc-tasks-num=${srmMaxNumberOfJdbcTasksInQueue} \ -use-gplazma-authorization-cell=${useGPlazmaAuthorizationCell} \ -delegate-to-gplazma=${delegateToGPlazma} \ -use-gplazma-authorization-module=${useGPlazmaAuthorizationModule} \ -gplazma-authorization-module-policy=${gplazmaPolicy} \ -srm-authz-cache-lifetime=${srmAuthzCacheLifetime} \ -srmLoginBroker=srm-LoginBroker \ -protocolFamily=SRM \ -protocolVersion=1.1.1 \ -kpwd-file=${kpwdFile} \ # -loginBroker=LoginBroker \ # -brokerUpdateTime=300 \ -start_server=false \ -use_lambdastation=${useLambdaStation} \ -lambdastation_map_file=${lsMapFile} \ -lambdastation_script=${lsScript} \ -login-broker-update-period=${srmLoginBrokerUpdatePeriod} \ -num-doors-in-rand-selection=${srmNumberOfDoorsInRandomSelection} \ -overwrite=${overwriteEnabled} \ -overwrite_by_default=${srmOverwriteByDefault} \ -custom-get-host-by-addr=${srmCustomGetHostByAddr} \ -ignore-client-protocol-order=${srmIgnoreClientProtocolOrder}\ "