Copy Module
If you need to rearrange your disk pool setup (i.e. you would like to give VOs who have been sharing a disk pool their own dedicated disk) then you should use the dCache Copy Module.
The module allows you to copy a subset of files from a pool to one or more destination pools. The subset of files is selected by creating a filter by running commands like:
(maintenance) admin > exclude <fileClass>
where file class may be 'cached, precious, pinned, locked or bad' or a storage class like 'cms:generated@osm'.
(maintenance) admin > keeponly <fileClass>
excludes all file classes except for the specified one. Both, 'exclude' and 'keeponly" may be used until the repository listing fits your needs.
I think this should meet your needs. Once you are done you will need to add the new pools to the relevant pool groups and make sure that all of the links are in order. Get in touch if you need a hand, but I think you should find the copy module fairly easy to use.
Files can then be removed from the source pool by running:
rep rm <pnfsid>
in the admin interface of the source pool. A script should be created to speed up such operations. The -force option can be used if required.