Addition of a second CE at the BHAM-LCG2 site

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We added an extra CE to our existing LCG setup in Birmingham. This was required in order to publish the different CPU characteristics of the two clusters of our site. Both CEs share the same SE and MON box.

  • Changes to the yaim configurations files:
The only variables of the site-info.def file that need to be modified are CE_HOST and the relevant variables used by the information provider which differ on both clusters (e.g.: CE_CPU_MODEL, CE_CPU_VENDOR,...) The VOS variable can also be modified to support different VOs on the clusters. Finally, wn-list.conf must also be changed and the installation is performed as usual.
  • Changes to the site information provider:
The file bdii-update.conf must be edited on your main CE to include the ldap string of your new CE. This is the content of the Bham file:
 CE1  ldap://,o=grid
 CE2  ldap://,o=grid
 SE  ldap://,o=grid
The BDII of the new CE must then be turned off:
 service bdii stop
 chkconfig bdii off  
  • APEL:
Access must be granted to your new CE for example with:
 mysql --pass="MYSQL_PASSWORD" --exec "grant all on accounting.* to 'accounting'@'$NEWCE_HOST' identified by 'APEL_PASSWORD'"
It should then be possible to log into mysql from the new CE:
 mysql -u accounting -h MON_HOST -p
The hostname of the new CE should now appear (after running APEL) in the accounting database:
 mysql> use accounting;
 mysql> select SpecID,SiteName,ClusterID,SubClusterID,SpecInt2000,SpecFloat2000  from SpecRecords;
 | SpecID                        | SiteName  | ClusterID             | SubClusterID            | SpecInt2000 | SpecFloat2000 |
 | 2005-11-25 03:05:01 BHAM-LCG2 | BHAM-LCG2 |  |    |         756 |           764 |
 | 2005-11-25 03:05:02 BHAM-LCG2 | BHAM-LCG2 | |   |         340 |           226 |
  • Software directories:
At Birmingham, we have mounted the VO software area on the new WNs and exported the /opt/edg/var/info/voname to the new CE for all the VO that it supports. This is step is optional and not recommended as some VOs might not like it.
  • GOC db
The GOC db needs to be edited to include the new CE which will then be automatically picked up by gstat and the SFT after a while.