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To register with the Imperial DIRAC instance, please send an email to stating:

You should also join the Imperial DIRAC mailing list.

How do I find my grid certificate DN?

The simplest way to do this is to access the Imperial DIRAC web portal and copy it from the bottom-right corner of the browser. It should be in the format:

/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=[Your institute]/L=[Your department]/CN=[Your name].

Why do I need to provide the VO names?

The Imperial DIRAC system is not (yet) able to retrieve the VOs of which you are a member automatically - and besides, you might not want to use the Imperial DIRAC system with them anyway (e.g. if you are a member of an LHC VO).

What if the VO I am a member of isn't supported by the Imperial DIRAC instance?

You will be informed of this, and the Imperial DIRAC team will work to ensure that the VO is supported - though this may take some time to configure if it is a new VO. The GridPP Regional VOs are all supported, so we recommend joining and requesting these to start with.

Once you have sent the registration email and joined the Imperial DIRAC mailing list, please click here.

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