Monday 19th November 2018, 15.00 GMT
44 Open UK Tickets this week
138292 (14/11)
It looks like Dan's tweak to his storm setup worked and the LHCB user's jobs are working - another ticket that can be solved. In progress (16/11)
138033 (1/11)
This Singularity ticket from atlas has become quite in depth, and perhaps worth a look to anyone trying to get docker to run atlas singularity jobs. In progress (15/11)
RALPP: 131616
Some great progress with dual stacking perfsonar and storage, but Chris notes some problems with packet loss and high RTT. Did the router restart noted in other tickets soothe these? In progress (16/11)
OXFORD: 131615
The last update was the end of October with no news (and none expected?). On hold (25/10)
John has dual-stacked his storage, and is just waiting to hear back from the user groups that all is working well. I assume from the lack of tickets it is! Waiting for reply (8/11)
BRISTOL: 131613
The picture at Bristol is still unclear from the ticket, with the storage dual-stacked but it seems like gridftp isn't working via v6? Some possible causes of this were listed in the ticket. In progress (9/10)
No news on this sine August. How goes it Mark? Still the same issue as before (central IT can't supply v6 DNS entries for the site). On Hold (27/8)
GLASGOW: 131611
There's been a big push at Glasgow on this front, although tests weren't looking great despite the efforts. Any luck towards fixing the perfsonar errors? In progress (12/10)
ECDF: 131610
The last update was back in the start of September, with plans to make plans were being made to dual-stack the SE. Any plans that can be shared? In progress (10/9)
DURHAM: 131609
A recent update was that things were being held back by no reverse-DNS, and none likely to be rolled out until mid-2019 at least. Could the JANET reverse DNS service fill in for this? In progress (17/10)
There was a plan to dual-stack the perfsonar boxes mid-November (so now-ish). Did you have any luck with that? In progress (30/10)
IIUI another site being held back by no v6 reverse DNS. Any news on this front? On hold (25/4)
Any sign of those new routers yet, or any other news? In progress (4/6)
RHUL: 131603
Waiting on reverse DNS, but some positive news is that their central IT have decided to outsource this to JANET so it should be smooth sailing... right? In progress (29/10)