Operations Bulletin Latest

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Bulletin archive

Week commencing Monday 5th June 2017
Task Areas
General updates

Monday 5th June

  • Migration of the UI/WN tarball repositories.
  • EGI RP/RC A/R Report available. UK is fine but dropped in April.
  • Tier-1 noted pool accounts for "quiet" VOs. The question, is it worth spending time getting the VO active:
    • camont - no. This collaboration ended some years ago.
    • cdf - no
    • dzero - no
    • esr - no, but they might.
    • magic - no, but they might
    • neiss - no
    • supernemo - They will be soon. Discussions started.
  • Winnie: Pool account UIDs/GIDs. Looks like it is best to work towards having consistent pool accounts.

Monday 22nd May

  • Issue with dirac-dms-get-file affecting vo.moedal.org.
  • HTCondor workshop in Europe 2017 6th-9th June. More information.
  • ARGO Monitoring Downtime - Tuesday, 23 May, at 7:00 AM CEST, there will be scheduled down time for approximately 6 hours.
  • 2017 WLCG Workshop: registration extended
  • Downtime declarations discussion (3days or 5 days notice....!)
  • CHEP papers - final weeks for revisions.
  • Fourth release of the Accounting Portal ready for testing. Feedback via GGUS 127920.
  • Final T2 availability & reliability - April 2017.
  • CA reminders... some observations
    • Reminders are working as well as they always have
    • Special case if you have multiple certs which expire soon after the other [which isn't actually permitted and hence not expected] the reminders come late
    • Please don't send CA tickets to TB-SUPPORT as it is a publicly visible mailing list and if things turn into non-issues then can be seen as bad advertising for no reason
    • Don't rely on the CA to remind you – setup your own reminders
    • "fixing" this issue (multiple certs) is plausible, but as it is deep within code (there are several levels of code involved here in more than 1 language) then it might be error-prone and hard to test.
  • EGI Operations Broadcast - May 2017
    • Failures with CREAM-CE JobCancel probe
    • Decommissioning of dCache 2.10
  • Notes from the May GDB are now available.

Tuesday 16th May

WLCG Operations Coordination - AgendasWiki Page

Monday 22nd May

  • WLCG ops coordination took place last Thursday with a theme of "providing reliable storage" : Agenda | Minutes.

Tuesday 16th May

Tuesday 9th May

Tier-1 - Status Page

Tuesday 6th June A reminder that there is a weekly Tier-1 experiment liaison meeting. Notes from the last meeting here

  • All Castor instances have now been upgraded to version 2.1.16. This includes upgrading the SRMs to version 2.1.16 as well. As part of this the SRMs were upgraded to SL6 thereby removing the final SL5 systems that were providing an external facing service.
  • Atlas have successfully carried out a deletion test of data in Echo.
  • LIGO and the MICE pilot role have now been enabled for batch access.
  • The Edinburgh Dirac site is transferring data in production. Currently around 2 to 4TB per day. There is a total of around 400TB to transfer in this tranche.
  • The new version of FTS3 installed on our "test" FTS service (used by Atlas) no longer supports the SOAP API. There are still some access to our "production" FTS3 service via this API (mainly SNO+ and MICE). We will wish to upgrade the production FTS3 service - and need VOs to move to the rest API provided with the newer versions of FTS. Would like to set deadline when we upgrade the "production" instance and hence no longer support the SOAP API.
Storage & Data Management - Agendas/Minutes

Wednesday 17 May

  • Lots of opportunities to contribute to WLCG workshop (if we could finish all the stuff we've got cooking)

Wednesday 19 Apr

  • Case for (re)testing CVMFS for T2s? (and non-LHC VOs?)
  • Other storage related issues arising from use of containers?

Wednesday 12 Apr

  • Musings on the outcome of last week's GridPP meeting
  • Discussion of which of a selection of coming events to aim to do something for. If that makes sense, gramatically.

Wednesday 15 Feb

  • Space tokens! Use them!
  • Leafed through interesting topics (technology permitting) from the CS3 workshop
Tier-2 Evolution - GridPP JIRA

Tuesday 16 May

  • Updated GridPP DIRAC VMs. Passing with some tests jobs but still investigating some failures.

Tuesday 2nd May

Accounting - UK Grid Metrics HEPSPEC06 Atlas Dashboard HS06

Monday 16th January

  • The discussion topic for next week will be accounting comparisons. Please note Alessandra's comments last week.

Monday 14th November

  • Alessandra has written an FAQ to extract numbers from ATLAS and APEL avoiding the SSB.

Monday 26th September

  • A problem with the APEL Pub and Sync tests developed last Tuesday and was resolved on Wednesday. This had a temporary impact on the accounting portal.
Documentation - KeyDocs

Tue 23rd May As part of the process of moving everything to Centos7 (or some other form of RHEL7), I've written up how we build nodes at Liverpool for our ARC/Condor system.


I hope it's also a decent cheatsheet for Puppet3/Hiera. It's a draft, and I need to put in some more details, but it should be usable.

Tue 7th Mar

I want to get rid of following stale docs...

  • Ten Easy Network Questions
  • GridPP Answers to 10 Easy Network Questions
  • SL5 status
  • Glasgow Middleware Operations Logbook
  • London Tier2 Shares
  • 23rd June 2010 Special Topic: NGS Technical Roadmap - Pete Gronbech
  • SAM availability: Monthly summary table
  • Transfer Tests Birmingham Endpoints
  • EVO Tips and Tricks
  • BaBar: bbrbsub270

Monday 13th Feb

  • Please check the keydocs page. Would all owners please review their pages and prepare a short note on how they will bring things up-to-date in the coming months. This will be discussed at a core ops meeting (poll to be circulated shortly).
  • There are several EGI operations document updates out for review. Please make comments to Jeremy by 20th Febraury for inclusion in the UK feedback:

Monday 30th January

The fusion VO has been removed from GridPP Approved VOs.

Monday 9th January

  • Tom put these together:
    • A snapshot of the GridPP UserGuide is now available as an offline document in the Zenodo repository:
    • ...and the v1.0 release of the LaTeX code used to compile it is here.
    • There are some minor differences (mainly hyperlink-related) to the online version [1], which has also had a v1.0 release here.

Tue 22nd Nov

  • More on Accounting audit tools

The process for ARC, Toque and VAC is now documented here.


General note

See the worst KeyDocs list for documents needing review now and the names of the responsible people.

Interoperation - EGI ops agendas

Tuesday 16th May

  • There was an EGI ops meeting yesterday. Agenda.

Tuesday 2nd May

Tuesday 21st March

Monday 13th February

  • There was an ops meeting on 13th February. Agenda
    • frontier-squid-3 in UMD 4.4.0 - changes to config
    • Assess IPv6 readiness:
      • Resource Centres: assess the IPv6 readiness of the site infrastructure (real machines, cloud managers)
      • NGIs/ROCs please start discussing with sites and provide suggestions for the overall plan
    • Decommissioning of dCache 2.10
    • Discussed stale ARGO results; being discussed with Product Teams.

Monday 16th January

  • There was an ops meeting on 9th January. Agenda.

Monitoring - Links MyWLCG

Monday 13th Febraury

  • This category is pretty much inactive. Are there any topics under "monitoring" that anyone wants reported at this ops meeting? If not we will remove this section from the regular updates area of the bulletin and just leave the main links.

Tuesday 1st December

Tuesday 16th June

  • F Melaccio & D Crooks decided to add a FAQs section devoted to common monitoring issues under the monitoring page.
  • Feedback welcome.

On-duty - Dashboard ROD rota

Tuesday 2nd May

  • Generally quiet. A few low availability tickets.

Monday 24th April

20th March

  • Another quiet week. One ticket to Oxford and a new availablility ticket to Glasgow. Other than that, most of the tickets have been there for a couple of weeks.
Rollout Status WLCG Baseline

Monday 13th February

  • Please can we hear something from Raul and Sam (or others contributing to the middleware readiness work) about news in this area at the ops meeting next week? Thank you.
  • Does anyone want specific questions in this area tackled in a roundtable discussion?

Tuesday 7th December

  • Raul reports: validation of site BDII on Centos 7 done.

Tuesday 15th September

Tuesday 12th May

  • MW Readiness WG meeting Wed May 6th at 4pm. Attended by Raul, Matt, Sam and Jeremy.


Security - Incident Procedure Policies Rota

Tuesday 6th June

  • EGI SVG Advisory [TLP:WHITE] up to 'HIGH' risk Qemu and Xen guest escape issues CVE-2016-9603 and others [EGI-SVG-CVE-2016-9603] [1]

Tuesday 30th May

  • Updated IGTF distribution 1.83 - updated trust anchors [2]

Monday 22nd May

  • EGI-SVG Advisory [TLP:WHITE] 'HEADS-UP' on the escalation of privilege vulnerability in Intel AMT [EGI-SVG-CVE-2017-5689] (as noted here 9/5/2017) [3]
  • EUGridPMA meeting this week [4]

Services - PerfSonar production dashboard |PerfSonar development dashboard | GridPP VOMS

- This includes notifying of (inter)national services that will have an outage in the coming weeks or will be impacted by work elsewhere. (Cross-check the Tier-1 update).

Tuesday 25th April

  • perfSONAR version 4 was released on 17th April. Sites with auto-update on should have been automatically upgraded. Note perfSONAR 4.0 requires more CPU than previous versions as a result of some of the increased functionality. Full details here

Monday 6th March

  • Last week it was noted that some ATLAS RIPE probes (the USB ones) have had hardware errors. If you need a replacement and RIPE are slow to respond then contact Jeremy.
  • Is anyone running any tests with their RIPE probe?

Tuesday 14th February

  • The development dashboard is now operational again. However the production dashboard is not currently displaying latency results (OSG ticket submitted).
  • Birmingham pS host had lost its entire network connection and both Lancaster's hosts their IPv6 connection. Durham results are incomplete, GGUS ticket submitted (#126587).

Tuesday 25th October

  • Duncan has recreated the UK perfSONAR mesh. Link here!


Monday 5th June 2017, 14.30 BST
Down to 21 Open UK Tickets this month.

122772 (11/7/116)
Atlas xroot/webdav ticket, with just xroot to go. Any luck with the xrootd server? In progress (9/5)

127767 (18/4)
Availability ticket - Daniela notes that there are still issues with test jobs not running in time, and advises perhaps reserving a slot for tests. On hold (25/5)

127555 (7/4)
Another availability ticket, although Chris points out several valid reasons why this points to the monitoring being fubared, vitiating RALPP's results. On hold (30/5)

128512 (27/5)
LHCB spotted a problem with the Oxford ARC CE, which Kashif seems to have cleared up with a reboot, but no word from lhcb since. Could do with a poke. In progress (30/5)

126864 (28/2)
Request to enable LZ at Bristol. Winnie is progressing with rolling out the pool accounts etc for LZ, Dune and LSST as fast as her limited time allows. In progress (30/5)

124052 (25/9/16)
The cursed ticket, requiring new ARC CEs to fix a problem with publishing seen by lhcb. Hopefully enough positive karma has been accrued to give some breathing space to get round to this. On Hold (4/4)

128294 (12/5)
Availability ticket - looking into the ECDF argo page is a journey into the unknown (status), with their infamous -1 availability. If you're site seems to be capping out at 99% then I'd blame the ECDF guys for stealing that extra 1% :-P In progress (19/5)

127766 (18/4)
Another availability ticket, just waiting for the numbers to sooth themselves. Hopefully not too badly affected by the next ticket. On hold (25/5)

128429 (19/5)
BDII test failure ticket, the alarm was fixed by Elena syncing her clocks, but glue-validator failures are still seen. Kashif right recommends running the test manually. In progress (2/6)

128321 (15/5)
And another Availability ticke. After improving test job flow through our cluster we're on holding the ticket. At least we're in good company. On hold (26/5)

128750 (1/6) Duncan submitted a perfsonar related ticket after spotting some problems, Govind is investigating the issue. In progress (5/6)

128555 (30/5)
The Imperials are having an issue with gfal-copy within CMS jobs. Despite not being able to replicate manually, some quiddity of the job environment causes gfal-copy to seg fault. The site has tried a different version and raising the ulimit, but no joy yet despite the efforts. In progress (5/6)

100IT has 3 tickets that I won't go into.

124876 (7/11/16)
gridftp tests failing for echo, due to a problem with the tests. No movement on the counter ticket (125026) since April. On Hold (1/1)

127612 (8/4)
LHCB having problems with the RAL CEs, which seem to be ongoing (although they might have changed in nature). No news on the ticket in the last fortnight though. In progress (23/5)

127967 (27/5)
Enabling MICE pilots at the Tier 1. The accounts are created but it looks like job submission isn't working yet for this role. In progress (25/5)

127240 (21/3)
CMS staging tests. The last entry from the user was a request to clarify what the numbers in the plots meant and for additional plots. In progress (18/5)

127597 (7/4)
CMS would like the Tier 1 to check their xroot/networking performance. In response Andrew L had switched off "lazy download" Andrew asked if this has helped, but the issue is muddled by the firewall at RAL dropping packets, awaiting news from the RAL networking team. In progress (30/5)

117683 (18/11/2015)
Castor Glue 2 publishing ticket. Rob updated that development is still ongoing. On Hold (10/5)

Tools - MyEGI Nagios

29th November 2016

LSST monitoring is available through vo-nagios


13th September 2016

VOs - GridPP VOMS VO IDs Approved VO table
Site Updates


Meeting Summaries
Project Management Board - MembersMinutes Quarterly Reports


GridPP ops meeting - Agendas Actions Core Tasks


RAL Tier-1 Experiment Liaison Meeting (Wednesday 13:30) Agenda Meeting takes place on Vidyo.

Highlights from this meeting are now included in the Tier1 report farther up this page.

WLCG Grid Deployment Board - Agendas MB agendas


NGI UK - Homepage CA


UK ATLAS - Shifter view News & Links

Atlas S&C week 2-6 Feb 2015


• Prodsys-2 in production since Dec 1st

• Deployment has not been transparent , many issued has been solved, the grid is filled again

• MC15 is expected to start soon, waiting for physics validations, evgen testing is underway and close to finalised.. Simulation expected to be broadly similar to MC14, no blockers expected.


• Rucio in production since Dec 1st and is ready for LHC RUN-2. Some fields need improvements, including transfer and deletion agents, documentation and monitoring.

Rucio dumps available.

Dark data cleaning

files declaration . Only Only DDM ops can issue lost files declaration for now, cloud support needs to fill a ticket.

• Webdav panda functional tests with Hammercloud are ongoing


Main page

DDM Accounting




• ASAP (ATLAS Site Availability Performance) in place. Every 3 months the T2s sites performing BELOW 80% are reported to the International Computing Board.





  • N/A
To note

  • N/A