Operations Bulletin Latest

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Bulletin archive

Week commencing Monday 30th January 2017
Task Areas
General updates

Monday 30th January

Monday 23rd January

Monday 16th January

  • December T2 A/R from WLCG:
    • ALICE: All okay.
    • ATLAS: Oxford: 73%:73% | RALPP: 80%:80%
    • CMS: RALPP: 89%:89%
    • LHCb: RALPP: 82%:82%
    • Oxford will request recompute. RALPP affected by CMS SRM overloads and a delayed restart after new cert installed.
  • The next WLCG workshop is in Manchester 19th-21st June.
  • AM seeking non-LHC VO representatives (from the VOs and aware of their technical requirements) for 11th April pre-GDB.
  • TB-Support: Matt D mentions "ZFS experiences and plans".
  • EGI Conference 2017 will take place in Catania, Italy, between 9-12 May 2017.
  • A summary of the networking pre-GDB last week can be found here.

WLCG Operations Coordination - AgendasWiki Page

Monday 16th January

  • The next WLCG ops coordination meeting is on 26th.
    • Downtimes proposal followup --> please send feedback by Jan 20;
    • Tape usage performance analysis.

Monday 5th December

  • There was a WLCG ops coordination meeting on 1st: Agenda | Minutes

Monday 7th November

Tier-1 - Status Page

Tuesday 31st January A reminder that there is a weekly Tier-1 experiment liaison meeting. Notes from the last meeting here

  • There were some problems following the Castor 2.1.15 update of the LHCb instance on the 18th. These problems were resolved by early evening the next day (19th). The Atlas instance upgrade took place successfully on the 24th. The GEN instance (ALICE plus non-LHC VOs) update happened on the 26th. There were some problems with the Alice SRM tests which were not fully resolved until Monday 30th. Castor CMS is being updated today (31st January).
  • We are still seeing regular CMS SRM test failures - which are attributed to load on the CMS Castor instance.
  • We now have load balancers in front of our Top-BDIIs as well as the Site-BDIIs.
Storage & Data Management - Agendas/Minutes

Wednesday 18 Jan

  • Continued ZFS discussion
  • Updates from the non-LHC VOs, data-wise. Mostly no news, except for DiRAC, Cambridge HPC and Edingburgh EPCC are debugging and testing; LSST expecting to do MC workflows end of Jan.

Wednesday 11 Jan

  • ZFS presentation/discussion

Wednesday 04 Jan 2017

  • Happy! Generally everything ticked along nicely over the break
  • Interesting topics to pick up? Interest in ZFS again (see also Marcus's blog posts on the topic. GLUE2 for accounting?

Wednesday 21 Dec 2016

  • Report from Computing Insights UK (nee MEW)
  • Highlights and lowlights of the year (storage and data management only - which seems to have fared better than the world in general)

Wednesday 07 Dec

  • Good GridPP presence at the CLOUD-SIG workshop at Crick last week. Real Work™ included GridFTP-endpoint-in-the-cloud and Jupyter notebooks. How do you get data into a Jupyter notebook (from the grid)?
  • Opportunity to do more with data transfer between infrastructures.

Tier-2 Evolution - GridPP JIRA

Thursday 5 January 2017

  • Vac 02.00 released, with SuperSlots mechanism for handling a mixture of different VM sizes on the same hypervisors.

Monday 2 January 2017

Wednesday 14 December

  • LHCb has added Vac resources to the LHCb_CRITICAL profile used in the SAM3 dashboard and WLCG site A&R reports. (GRIDPP-5)

Monday 12 December

  • ALICE VMs in production at Manchester. Other Vac sites invited to install it. (No VOBOX required...)

Accounting - UK Grid Metrics HEPSPEC06 Atlas Dashboard HS06

Monday 16th January

  • The discussion topic for next week will be accounting comparisons. Please note Alessandra's comments last week.

Monday 14th November

  • Alessandra has written an FAQ to extract numbers from ATLAS and APEL avoiding the SSB.

Monday 26th September

  • A problem with the APEL Pub and Sync tests developed last Tuesday and was resolved on Wednesday. This had a temporary impact on the accounting portal.
Documentation - KeyDocs

Monday 30th January

The fusion VO has been removed from GridPP Approved VOs.

Monday 9th January

  • Tom put these together:
    • A snapshot of the GridPP UserGuide is now available as an offline document in the Zenodo repository:
    • ...and the v1.0 release of the LaTeX code used to compile it is here.
    • There are some minor differences (mainly hyperlink-related) to the online version [1], which has also had a v1.0 release here.

Tue 22nd Nov

  • More on Accounting audit tools

The process for ARC, Toque and VAC is now documented here.


Tue 15 Nov

  • Accounting audit tools

GridPP project in github used to host documents and scripts to audit work done accounts independently of APEL. So far, methods exist for ARC CE, and Torque batch system. Method for VAC still rough and being worked out by (e.g.) next week. To get the material:

git clone https://sjones-hep-ph-liv-ac-uk@github.com/gridpp/audit.git

Substituting you own github username. Or go to:


For write access, ask Andrew McNab.

  • Changes to CMS resource requirements in Approved VOs

See https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/GridPP_approved_VOs

Scroll to the Resources table at the bottom and check the new CMS requirements.

Tue 1 Nov

Publishing tutorial updated to use new wording for various measurements.



General note

See the worst KeyDocs list for documents needing review now and the names of the responsible people.

Interoperation - EGI ops agendas

Monday 16th January

  • There was an ops meeting on 9th January. Agenda.

Monday 7th November

  • There was an EGI Ops meeting today: agenda
  • UMD 3.14.5 released today
    • VOMS 3.5.0, which makes RFC proxies the default for voms-proxy-init
  • UMD 4.3.0 'October' release, release candidate ready, to be released by end of this week, including:
    • ARC, GFAL2, XROOT, Davix, dCache, ARGUS, Gridsite, edg-mkgrid, umd-release for CentOS7
  • please start using UMD4/SL6 or UMD4/CentOS7 instead of UMD3/SL6 & please don't use anymore EMI3
    • (think there may be a campaign around this soon)
  • Downtimes due to the vulnerability CVE-2016-5195: request an A/R recomputation
    • All the resource centres that were affected by the vulnerability CVE-2016-5195 and that declared a downtime between 2016-10-20 16:00 UTC and 2016-10-31 18:00 UTC are invited to request a recomputation of A/R figures for the days in which the downtime was ongoing.
Monitoring - Links MyWLCG

Tuesday 1st December

Tuesday 16th June

  • F Melaccio & D Crooks decided to add a FAQs section devoted to common monitoring issues under the monitoring page.
  • Feedback welcome.

Tuesday 31st March

Monday 7th December

On-duty - Dashboard ROD rota

Monday 16th January

  • Rota to be updated this week. Gordon is on shift this week.

Monday 9th January

  • Daniela posted on 25th Dec to say: "there's quite a lot of tickets - I tried to extend them all into January.

Otherwise apparently the grid is still standing."

Monday 5th December

  • Another fairly quiet week. There were a few new tickets, which are mostly now resolved. There was an intermittent SRM alarm at RALPP which sporadically appeared then disappeared; it finally hung around long enough today to raise a ticket.

Rollout Status WLCG Baseline

Tuesday 7th December

  • Raul reports: validation of site BDII on Centos 7 done.

Tuesday 15th September

Tuesday 12th May

  • MW Readiness WG meeting Wed May 6th at 4pm. Attended by Raul, Matt, Sam and Jeremy.


Security - Incident Procedure Policies Rota

Tuesday 31st January

  • Updated IGTF distribution 1.80 available for download [1]CHANGES
  • EUGridPMA certificate authorities meeting this week [2]
  • Communications challenge sent to 20 UK sites. 2 "failures" - no response within 4 hours. Thanks to all who participated.

Tuesday 24th January

  • EGI SVG UPDATE advisory concerning availability of patches for 'HIGH' risk CVE-2016-7117 [3]
  • EUGridPMA certificate authorities meeting next week [4]

Tuesday 17th January

  • SL6 updates published for CVE-2016-7117 which was downgraded by EGI SVG to HIGH risk [5]
  • Vulnerability disclosed for Ansible CVE-2016-9587. Upgrades are available. [6]
  • 2016/01/16 - Incident report involving one non-UK site published by EGI CSIRT as EGI-20161229-01.
  • EGI CSIRT F2F meeting this week.

Tuesday 10th January

  • Quiet over the Xmas period
  • Expecting close-out report from non-UK incident reported last month. Still no known UK links.
  • SL5 updates published for CVE-2016-7117 which was downgraded by EGI SVG to HIGH risk [7]
  • EGI SVG Advisory for RH7 Linux kernel IPv6 implementation rated HIGH risk [8]
  • UK Security Team meeting this aft. 4pm

The EGI security dashboard.

Services - PerfSonar production dashboard |PerfSonar development dashboard | GridPP VOMS

- This includes notifying of (inter)national services that will have an outage in the coming weeks or will be impacted by work elsewhere. (Cross-check the Tier-1 update).

Tuesday 25th October

  • Duncan has recreated the UK perfSONAR mesh. Link here!

Monday 19th September

  • UK eScience CA - certificate issuance problems. Jens reported that on 15th a partial but significant database corruption occurred on the signing system for the CA. Data was restored from (offline) backups but the rebuild was not correctly configured.
  • A large number of site admins and other GridPP supporters appeared to be suspended from the dteam VO last week. “During a planned upgrade operation of VOMS service, a system malfunction occurred. As a result, some users received false notification about membership expiration. We are in contact with the software development team in order to identify the cause.”


Monday 30th January 2017, 15.15 GMT
24 Open UK Tickets this week

126156 (25/1)
A quite interesting ticket from John Gordon regarding QM having >100% efficiency. Within the ticket Dan debugs his homegrown slurm accounting scripts. Possibly of interest to others - some good stuff in this ticket. In progress (26/1)

A few other tickets at QM could do with a poke though:
126012 (17/1)
Nagios BDII ticket, problem keeps cropping up.

126234 (28/1)
LHCB pilots failing and jobs not returning output, the ticket likely has snuck by you. Assigned (28/1)

126240 (29/1)
Whilst this CMS SAM test failure ticket filled me with righteous indignation with its brevity and lack of reference links, it still could do with acknowledging. Assigned (29/1)

(In fairness given my current coffee consumption it doesn't take much to send me off on one.)

125867 (9/1)
This LHCB cvmfs ticket threatens to go stale - any word on extra failures (or lack thereof)? In progress (16/1)

Talking of Glasgo tickets looking a bit stale: ticket 124052 (arc publishing ticket last updated in September).

126184 (26/1)
Possibly not intended of general consumption, this is an atlas request for feedback concerning the atlas site monitors. In progress (26/1)

Tools - MyEGI Nagios

29th November 2016

LSST monitoring is available through vo-nagios


13th September 2016

19th July

Both instances of gridppnagios at Oxford and Lancaster has been decommissioned.

12th July 2016

Central ARGO monitoring service has started from 1st of July. All grid resources are monitored through two Nagios instances



It has same interface as gridppnagios. Alarms from these instances goes to Operational Dashboard

http://argo.egi.eu/ is a web interface which provides availability/reliability figures and site status. It is equivalent of old myegi interface with some additional services.

I am planning to decommission both instances of gridppnagios in coming weeks. I have stopped nagios and httpd on both instances so it will not send tests to grid resources in UK. I will also decommission storage-monit.physics.ox.ac.uk which was only used for storage replication test.

We will keep vo-nagios.physics.ox.ac.uk running until we get a replacement for vo-monitoring.

Monday 13th June

  • Active Nagios instance moved to Lancaster

Tuesday 5th April 2016

Oxford had a scheduled network warning so active nagios instance was moved from Oxford to Lancaster. I am not planning to move it back to Oxford for the time being.

Tuesday 26th Jan 2016

One of the message broker was in downtime for almost three days. Nagios probes picks up a random message broker and failover is not working so a lot of ops jobs hanged for long time. Its a known issue and unlikely to be fixed as SAM Nagios is in its last leg. Monitoring is moving to ARGO and many things are not clear at the moment.

Monday 30th November

  • The SAM/ARGO team has created a document describing Availability reliability calculation in ARGO tool.
VOs - GridPP VOMS VO IDs Approved VO table

Tuesday 19th May

  • There is a current priority for enabling/supporting our joining communities.

Tuesday 5th May

  • We have a number of VOs to be removed. Dedicated follow-up meeting proposed.

Tuesday 28th April

  • For SNOPLUS.SNOLAB.CA, the port numbers for voms02.gridpp.ac.uk and voms03.gridpp.ac.uk have both been updated from 15003 to 15503.

Tuesday 31st March

  • LIGO are in need of additional support for debugging some tests.
  • LSST now enabled on 3 sites. No 'own' CVMFS yet.
Site Updates

Tuesday 23rd February

  • For January:

ALICE: All okay.

RHUL 89%:89% Lancaster 0%:0%

RALPP: 80%::80%

RALPP: 77%:77%

  • Site responses:
    • RHUL: The largest problem was related to the SRM. The DPM version was upgraded and it took several weeks to get it working again (13 Jan onwards). Several short-lived occurrences of running out of space on the SRM for non-ATLAS VOs. For around 3 days (15-17 Jan) the site suffered from a DNS configuration error by their site network manager which removed their SRM from the DNS, causing external connections such as tests and transfers to fail. For one day (25 Jan) the site network was down for upgrade to the 10Gb link to JANET. Some unexpected problems occurred extending the interruption from an hour to a day. The link has been successfully commissioned.
    • Lancaster: The ASAP metric for Lancaster for January is 97.5 %. There is a particular problem with ATLAS SAM tests which doesn’t affect the site activity in production and analysis and this relates to the path name being too long. A re-calculation has been performed.
    • RALPP: Both CMS and LHCb low figures are due to specific CMS jobs overloading the site SRM head node. The jobs should have stopped now.

Meeting Summaries
Project Management Board - MembersMinutes Quarterly Reports


GridPP ops meeting - Agendas Actions Core Tasks


RAL Tier-1 Experiment Liaison Meeting (Wednesday 13:30) Agenda Meeting takes place on Vidyo.

Highlights from this meeting are now included in the Tier1 report farther up this page.

WLCG Grid Deployment Board - Agendas MB agendas


NGI UK - Homepage CA


UK ATLAS - Shifter view News & Links

Atlas S&C week 2-6 Feb 2015


• Prodsys-2 in production since Dec 1st

• Deployment has not been transparent , many issued has been solved, the grid is filled again

• MC15 is expected to start soon, waiting for physics validations, evgen testing is underway and close to finalised.. Simulation expected to be broadly similar to MC14, no blockers expected.


• Rucio in production since Dec 1st and is ready for LHC RUN-2. Some fields need improvements, including transfer and deletion agents, documentation and monitoring.

Rucio dumps available.

Dark data cleaning

files declaration . Only Only DDM ops can issue lost files declaration for now, cloud support needs to fill a ticket.

• Webdav panda functional tests with Hammercloud are ongoing


Main page

DDM Accounting




• ASAP (ATLAS Site Availability Performance) in place. Every 3 months the T2s sites performing BELOW 80% are reported to the International Computing Board.





  • N/A
To note

  • N/A