Argus Server

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Argus is centralize authorization service for distributed services. Details are here


Argus server needs a host certificate. Enable emi2 and epel repo

 yum install ca-policy-egi-core

install fetch-crl and enable it

 yum install fetch-crl
 /sbin/chkconfig fetch-crl-cron on
 /sbin/service fetch-crl-cron start

install argus server

 yum install emi-argus


Argus server needs only few variable in site-info.def. VO_* variables can also be defined in vo.d directory

 PAP_ADMIN_DN=<DN of admin >
 #Users and Groups definition for grid and group mapfile
 #Supported VOs
 VOS="list of VOs "

Configure with yaim

 /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n ARGUS_server

Yaim does not configure or load policies for VOs in Argus Server. So after this stage Argus server is configured and running but does nothing as no policies have been loaded.


Argus package provides a Policy Administration Point(PAP) Client Line Interface(CLI) to interact with argus server and it is installed with emi-argus package.

 pap-admin --help  # Gives complete list of option
 pap-admin lp # List policies which have been loaded
 pap-admin apf # add policies from file
 pap-admin rap # Remove all policies

Defining policies

Policies has to be defined separately for every CE and glexec on WN

Policy for CE

Like for a CE policy is defined in this way

       resource "" {
         obligation "" {}
         action ".*" {
         rule permit { vo = "ops" }
         rule permit { vo = "dteam" }
         rule permit { vo = "atlas" }
         rule permit { vo = "alice" }
         ....other VO's ..

Policy for Glexec

       resource "" {
          obligation "" {}
          action "" {
          rule permit {pfqan = "/atlas/Role=pilot" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/atlas/Role=lcgadmin" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/atlas/Role=production" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/atlas" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/ops/Role=pilot" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/ops/Role=lcgadmin" }
          rule permit {pfqan = "/ops" }
          ....other VO's....

Loading policies

Policies for all CE's and glexec can be defined in a single file and then load it to argus server through PAP CLI. e.g create a text file argus_policy and copy all policies into it

 pap-admin apf argus_policy
 service argus-pdp restart
 service argus-pepd restart

Now you can see policies which has been loaded

 pap-admin lp

Configuring CE to use Argus authorization

No extra installation or configuration steps are required to enable authorization through Argus server. Just add these configuration variables to site-info.def and run yaim for creamce

 CREAM_PEPC_RESOURCEID="<string to match resource attribute in "Policy for CE" section, above>" 

Configuring ARC to use Argus authorization

See also Imperial notes Liverpool notes T1 notes

Add (for example) lines like the following to arc.conf:

  unixmap="* lcmaps /usr/lib64 /etc/lcmaps/lcmaps.db voms"
  unixmap="999:999 all"

(choose a UID/GID pair that does not exist on your system). This last line is required as ARC uses a fallback if the mapping fails.

where /etc/lcmaps/lcmaps.db

  path = /usr/lib64/lcmaps
  verify_proxy = "lcmaps_verify_proxy.mod"
                      "-certdir /etc/grid-security/certificates"
  pepc = "lcmaps_c_pep.mod"
              "--pep-daemon-endpoint-url <pependpoint>"
              "--resourceid <resourceid>"
              "--capath /etc/grid-security/certificates/"
              "--certificate /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem"
              "--key /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem"
  verify_proxy -> pep

where <pependpoint> is your Argus host and <resourceid> is your local CE id.

Configuring WN to use Argus for glexec authorization

glexec has to be installed on WN seperately

  yum install emi-glexec_wn 


  yum install glexec-wn (depends on the middleware version).

Configuration variables required for glexec on WN


run yaim

  /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /etc/yaim/site-info-emi.def -n WN -n TORQUE_client -n GLEXEC_wn

Regional Nagios test glexec service using ops pilot role

Corner Case: Additional mount option for WNs using Lustre for pool account Home Dirs

In the case that Lustre is being used for the home directories of pool accounts on the worker nodes, there can be an issue with glexec not being able to lock the input proxy when reading it if lustre hasn't been mounted with support for flock (the default locking mechanism used by glexec). You can see this from the following messages in the glexec logs (set log_level to 5 in /etc/glexec.conf on the WNs):

  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z: Found key 'glexec:input_lock_mechanism' with value 'flock'.
  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z: Using "flock()" file locking mechanism to read the proxy files at the (default) $GLEXEC_SOURCE_PROXY and $GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT locations.
  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z: Reading in GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT='/mnt/lustre/grid/users/pilatl01/home_cream_445503617/cream_445503617.proxy'.
  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z: Could not lock file during reading of proxy /mnt/lustre/grid/users/pilatl01/home_cream_445503617/cream_445503617.proxy.
  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z: Reading proxy failed.
  glexec[51695] 20140205T145808Z:   Failed to lock $GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=/mnt/lustre/grid/users/pilatl01/home_cream_445503617/cream_445503617.proxy, $GLEXEC_SOURCE_PROXY=(NULL) or destination proxy.

To fix this you should remount lustre on the WNs with the 'flock' option (see man mount.lustre for details on this).

Configuring Argus for Central Banning


A requirement has arisen to implement central banning. Most of this material came from Ewan MacMahon’s TB_SUPPORT email (title: NGI Argus requests for NGI_UK) and from central banning documentation that is available here: Argus_Global_Banning_Setup_Overview. The central banning architecture consists of a hierarchy of ARGUS servers with the Central WLCG server at the top, local NGI servers below and sites at the bottom. The ban policies flow from the central WLCG server through the NGI one and down to the site, using a feature of ARGUS.

This section describes an implementation taken from Liverpool. The original blog post is available here: Central Argus Banning at Liverpool

Implementation Examples

Admin at Liverpool use an ARGUS server for user authentication from the CEs and WNs. When they build or reconfigure THE ARGUS server, they use a script ( to load argus policies from a file (argus.pol). The middle section of the script shopwn below configures central banning (the first and last section relate to standard polices and buffer flushing, respectively).

/usr/bin/pap-admin rap
/usr/bin/pap-admin apf /root/scripts/argus.pol

pap-admin add-pap ngi "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=CLRC/L=RAL/"
pap-admin enable-pap ngi
pap-admin set-paps-order ngi default
pap-admin set-polling-interval 3600

/etc/init.d/argus-pdp reloadpolicy
/etc/init.d/argus-pepd clearcache
touch /root/scripts/

These commands add links to polices from the NGI ARGUS server. The script also reduces the polling interval to make the system more responsive. When the script is run, it connects the local ARGUS server to the NGI one and tells ARGUS to periodically download the remote (central) banning policies. Even with the improved polling interval, other delays exist that slow things up. These can be eliminated by changing /etc/argus/pdp/pdp.ini, setting "retentionInterval = 21", i.e. 21 minutes. After running the script, it's best to restart the Java daemons.

Alternative (Equivalent)

An alternative (and equivalent) implementation is suggested by Ewan at Oxford, using static files instead of PAP commands. Ewan set it up directly in the /etc/argus/pap/pap_configuration.ini config file. It has the advantage that it persists and so does not need reloading. The relevant bits of the file look like this:

## Trusted PAPs will be listed here
centralbanning.type = remote
centralbanning.enabled = true
centralbanning.dn = /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=CLRC/L=RAL/
centralbanning.hostname =
centralbanning.port = 8150
centralbanning.path = /pap/services/
centralbanning.protocol = https
centralbanning.public = true

poll_interval = 1800
ordering = centralbanning
ordering = default


It's best to tell Ian Neilson about this so he can send some tests over. To check if your site "looks" OK, try this:

pap-admin lp --all

And you should see the "remote" policies, e.g.

ngi (

resource ".*" BLAH BLAH BLAH