Dirac Dictionary
Dictionary of terms which I've had to look up when working with DIRAC (rcurrie)
DN - Distinguished Name This uniquely describes the entity which this certificate was issued for. e.g. /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=John Doe
CN - Common Name e.g. your name
VOMS - Virtual Organization Membership Service http://toolkit.globus.org/grid_software/security/voms.php
WMS - Workload Managment System The central part of the DIRAC system
CE - Computing Element A computing resource DIRAC is able to use when running jobs. e.g. CONDOR, batch, CREAM...
SE - Storage Element Places where data can be stored. e.g. CPPM-disk, CERN-USER, ...
DMS - Data Management System This is the system which allows the uploading of local files to a remote Storage Element (SE) or downloading the file again.
FC - FileCatalog Dirac catalog of file replicas and metadata. This contains the mapping of 1LFN to potentially many replicas across different SEs
SMS - Storage Managment System I's unclear to me how this is different to the DMS...