Monday 21st May 2018, 14.00 BST
43 Open UK Tickets this week.
Sites getting Ticket Updates?
We've had two anecdotal tales of sites not getting emails updates to some tickets (135139 at Lancaster and 134945 at RHUL). Has anyone else not been getting emails about their tickets?
The yearly review of our gocdb information. Everyone did check that their site (and their own) details were correct, right? (I had my old office phone number listed). Jeremy is proceeding to the NGI level review now. In progress (21/5)
QMUL: 135042
Both these tickets appears to be waiting for submitter/VO input, and perhaps are solved.
135121 (15/5)
135120 (15/5)
I'm not sure what's going on with the dates on these, but both ROD tickets were submitted by Kashif last week and both are still in the assigned state at time of writing. Assigned (15/5) Update - these tickets have been fielded now- thanks!
134820 (29/4)
This CMS pledge enquiry was answered, so I think it's waiting on CMS input. The ticket likely needs a prod to stir the pot. In progress (1/5)
134684 (23/4)
One of the "please upgrade perfsonar" tickets, this is waiting for an answer from Duncan. Waiting for reply (4/5)
134687 (23/4)
Also a perfsonar upgrade ticket, any progress with this? In progress (30/4)
IMPERIAL (kind of)
134567 (17/5)
I think this Pheno corrupt file cleanup ticket is nearly completed, it just needs to be kept an eye on to make sure it doesn't hang around after it's done. In progress (17/5)
132929 (18/1)
After re-reading Adrian's last post I think there's a request for information in there to help debug things from the apel side. In progress (10/5)
135133 (15/5)
Chris has asked the ECHO admins to look at this CMS ticket, after seeing some odd behaviour. In progress (17/5)
133992 (12/3)
This other ECHO related ticket, from atlas, looks like it has badly stalled. Is there still an active issue to fix? In progress (19/4)