RAL Tier1 File Transfer Service
The File Transfer Service can be used to transfer files between SRMs. The source and destination SURLs must correspond to a configured channel, otherwise the transfer will fail.
The FTS does not interact with the LCG File Catalog.
Service Endpoints
- https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/FileTransfer
- https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/ChannelManagement
Basic Usage
- unset GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE (bash syntax) or unsetenv GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE (csh syntax).
- A valid Grid proxy certificate (use grid-proxy-init).
- A valid MyProxy certificate with DN as username (use myproxy-init -d). By default, the FTS uses the lcgrbp01.gridpp.rl.ac.uk MyProxy server.
- A channel connecting the two SRMs that you wish to transfer files between.
Job Submission
Jobs are submitted with glite-transfer-submit <source SURL> <dest SURL>. To specify a MyProxy server other than the default, use the -m option.
Job Monitoring
Jobs can be monitored with glite-transfer-status <job ID>, where job ID is that given by glite-transfer-submit. Use the --verbose option for detailed information and the -l option for information about the source/destination pairs.
Service Monitoring
- Agent Log Files
- Ganglia
Local Deployment Information
The FTS server is at release 2.1.
Note that the /opt/glite/etc/services.xml file on client machines (e.g., third-party UIs), should look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <services> <service name="glite-data-transfer-fts_lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk_org.glite.FileTransfer"> <parameters> <endpoint>https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/FileTransfer</endpoint> <type>org.glite.FileTransfer</type> <version>3.3.0</version> </parameters> </service> <service name="glite-data-transfer-fts_lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk_org.glite.ChannelManagement"> <parameters> <endpoint>https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/ChannelManagement</endpoint> <type>org.glite.ChannelManagement</type> <version>3.3.0</version> </parameters> </service> <service name="glite-data-transfer-fts_lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk_org.glite.Delegation"> <parameters> <endpoint>https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/gridsite-delegation</endpoint> <type>org.glite.Delegation</type> <version>3.3.0</version> </parameters> </service> </services>