Monday 21st March 2016, 15.15 GMT
29 Open UK Tickets this week.
After Ewan
Now that Ewan's living it up at his new job the Oxford tickets might need extra shepherding - let us know if you need help Kashif. The tickets are:
117892 (23/11/15)
Atlas consistency checking ticket. On Hold (16/3)
120019 (7/3)
CMS federation subscription change request. In progress (7/3)
120052 (8/3)
HTTP TF ticket. It appears to be looking hopeful though. In progress (14/3)
Whilst we're talking HTTP TF:
120135 (11/3)
Looks like this ticket has snuck by, or maybe you chaps just never got roundtuit. Assigned (11/3)
117886 (23/11/15)
Atlas consistency check ticket - Elena's working on it, but the dump script fails as her DPM has run out of connections. Odd. In progress (21/3) - Update already - Elena ramped up the number of connections in my.cnf and things started working - just having trouble uploading the dumps now.
And I don't like to nag but the other two Sheffield tickets could do with an update:
118764 (http tf) and 114460 (pilot rollout)
120204 (15/3)
A dearth of LHCB pilots at QM. Dan spotted that *something* broke at the start of March, and handily gave a list of suspects. Not sure which one is spoiling things though... In progress (17/3)
And that's all from me. The SUSSEX tickets will need chasing up again, I'll do that - plus the NGI ticket 119995 is a bit quiet. Finally, thanks to Alessandra for wrangling the Atlas Consistency Checking tickets.
Other VO Nagios looks clean. Nice one!