RAL Tier1 weekly operations castor 10/2/2017

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Draft agenda

1. Problems encountered this week

2. Upgrades/improvements made this week

3. What are we planning to do next week?

4. Long-term project updates (if not already covered)

 1. SL7 upgrade on tape servers
 2. SRM upgrade to SL6/CASTOR 2.1.16

5. Special topics

6. Actions

7. Anything for CASTOR-Fabric?

8. AoTechnicalB

9. Availability for next week

10. On-Call

11. AoOtherB

Operations problems

"ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" in ATLAS and callout because of failure of functional tests RT185681

Failure of SRM cms-disk sam tests

Problems after CASTOR 2.1.15 upgrade on facilities

Operations news

CVE2016-7117 patch applied on CASTOR NS servers RT185616

One of the CMS SAM test failures related to xroot is fixed elog-5331

Plans for next week

Press on with SRM upgrade to SL6

Continue re-writting CIP

Long-term projects

CIP migration to aquilon and upgrade to SL6

SRM upgrade to SL6/CASTOR 2.1.16

Tape-server migration to aquilon and SL7 upgrade


Drain 10% of the 13 generation of disk servers (lhcbDst) for decommissioning

GP and AS to communicate the open DB cursors problem to CERN

Add GP to the mail of CASTOR overwatch script

Search the logs from SAM tests and hack into working


All in

GP on call next week