RAL Tier1 Pool Accounts

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With a much greater number of VO roles now coming online with VOMS such as software manager, production manager and such like it has become necessary to create numerous groups per virtual organisation each with numerous pool accounts. All pool accounts within a VO will belong to a common secondary group representing the VO.

VO Pool Account Mappings at RAL
VO Details of Role VOMS details Primary Group Secondary Group Pool Accounts Number of Pool Accounts
LHCb Default Role lhcba lhcb lhcbaXXX 20
LHCb Software Manager Role=lcgadmin lhcbb lhcb lhcbbXXX 10
LHCb Production Role=production lhcbc lhcb lhcbcXXX 20
CMS Default Role cmsa cms cmsaXXX 20
CMS Software Manager Role=lcgadmin cmsb cms cmsbXXX 10
CMS Production Role=production cmsc csm cmscXXX 20
DTEAM Default Role dtema dteam dtemaXXX 20
DTEAM Software Manager Role=lcgadmin dtemb dteam dtembXXX 10
OPS Default Role opsa ops opsaXXX 20
ATLAS Default Role atlsa atlas atlsaXXX 20
ATLAS Software Manager Role=lcgadmin atlsb atlas atlsbXXX 10
ATLAS Production Role=production atlsc atlas atlscXXX 20

The home directory for each account will be /pool/home/cmsaXXX and this directory will not exist across the farm. It will be created and destroyed dynamically by the pbs epilogue and prologue scripts.

These unix accounts will now be deployed across the tier1 and new gLite 3.0 CE deployed so as to utilise them.

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