Torque and Maui

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From the websites:

TORQUE is an open source resource manager providing control over batch jobs and distributed compute nodes. It is a community effort based on the original *PBS project and, with more than 1,200 patches, has incorporated significant advances in the areas of scalability, fault tolerance, and feature extensions contributed by NCSA, OSC, USC , the U.S. Dept of Energy, Sandia, PNNL, U of Buffalo, TeraGrid, and many other leading edge HPC organizations. This version may be freely modified and redistributed subject to the constraints of the included license.
The Maui Cluster Scheduler is an open source job scheduler for clusters and supercomputers. It is an optimized, configurable tool capable of supporting an array of scheduling policies, dynamic priorities, extensive reservations, and fairshare capabilities. It is currently in use at hundreds of government, academic, and commercial sites throughout the world.

Torque is the most common batch scheduler used within LCG. It is used at all but one site within GridPP.

RPMS for Torque and Maui

Torque RPMs I maintain within EPEL and Fedora now:

Maui RPMs built against these EPEL packages are hosted here:

Other Resources