Site SRM Durham
This page is intended for sites to use as a template in order for them to describe their SRM setup in detail. Obviously, sites can change/alter the format to suit their specific needs, but do not edit this page! The questions posed below are just to give sites an indication of the sort of information that should go here. Suggestions for additions are welcome and should be sent to Greig.
SRM Endpoint
Which VOs are supported?
alice atlas babar biomed cdf cms dteam dzero esr hone ilc lhcb magic na48 p lanck sixt zeus pheno t2k geant4
Admin node(s)
Add in information about how the head node of the SRM is configured. For example, do all of the services run on the same node or are they split across mulitiple nodes to improve performance? In a dCache instance, do you have separate gridftp door nodes that are on a public network while everything else is private? You could put in an image to better describe the setup.
All on one node.
Disk Server(s)
How many disk servers do you have?
One (running DPM)
How are the pools configured?
Do you use a RAID system?
If so, which level(s) are you using?
RAID-5 Are these servers NFS mounted onto another host?
If so, which protocol is used? For dCache systems, do these pool nodes operate gridftp doors aswell?
What have you tuned on your system to obtain the optimal read/write performance out of your SRM? How did you distribute the services among your available nodes?
Additional Information
Anything else you think is necessary to properly describe the setup at your site.