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Testing RUCIO deployment using Docker


I've always found it more reliable/safer/faster/better to just install the packages from the docker projects' own repos.

(stable repos from) (and docker compose from)

These tend to have the latest greatest features etc and are widely used in production inside and outside of HEP.


This is a collection of resources used as reference in throwing up a RUCIO service using containers:

[1] SKA RUCIO prototype project [2] RUCIO ReadTheDocs [3] Talk on RUCIO in containers

Running basic commands in test RUCIO

Checkout RUCIO

git clone
cd rucio/etc/docker/dev

Launch containers needed for test

# Update the docker containers on your system
docker-compose --file docker-compose-storage-alldb.yml pull

# Launch the containers
docker-compose --file docker-compose-storage-alldb.yml up -d

Run dev tests

# Launch interactive shell on RUCIO main image (Akin to bastion server)
docker exec -it dev_rucio_1 /bin/bash

# Setup simple configs, setup databases and add 3 RSEs which speak XRootD
[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# tools/ -ir

# To run the full test suite if you've already initialised the DB
[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# tools/ -a

# This will go away and run the full suite of dev tests for RUCIO and takes some time but can be informative

Remove containers after finished

# Destroy the containers and network
docker-compose --file docker-compose-storage-alldb.yml down

Manually play with placing files and such in RSEs

docker exec -ti dev_rucio_1 bash

# Setup simple configs, setup databases and add 3 RSEs which speak XRootD
[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# tools/ -ir

# NB it's only really possible to run this script once depite what the docs suggest otherwise it will put at least some components into a funny state
# If you want to start again it's best to remove the container instances and start again

[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# rucio add-dataset test:mynewdataset
Added test:mynewdataset
[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# rucio attach test:mynewdataset test:file1 test:file2 test:file3 test:file4
DIDs successfully attached to test:mynewdataset

# Shamelessly borrowed from

# You now have 4 files in your dataset. E.g:

[root@bb88b6f88320 rucio]# rucio list-file-replicas test:mynewdataset
| SCOPE   | NAME   | FILESIZE   | ADLER32   | RSE: REPLICA                                   |
| test    | file1  | 10.486 MB  | d4ed8299  | XRD1: root://xrd1:1094//rucio/test/80/25/file1 |
| test    | file2  | 10.486 MB  | 7822b5da  | XRD1: root://xrd1:1094//rucio/test/f3/14/file2 |
| test    | file3  | 10.486 MB  | 2bac1f0e  | XRD2: root://xrd2:1095//rucio/test/a9/23/file3 |
| test    | file4  | 10.486 MB  | f6af16a9  | XRD2: root://xrd2:1095//rucio/test/2b/c2/file4 |

# To check this file exists, exit the current container and go into a RSE container with a file:

[root@gridpp01 dev]# docker exec -ti dev_xrd1_1 bash

[root@bb88b6f88320 /]# ls /rucio/test/80/25/file1 

# NB these files will be lost when the container is destroyed by construction as of writing based on the container configs