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Setting up for the first time

In order to get access to the Bastion service you must

Generate an SSH key pair

The public key then needs to be sent to [ Ian Johnson]

Once this is set up with your key on the server you can SSH into the server as root via: ssh -v -i <your path to private key>.rsa

You then need to set up a new user for yourself

Switch user to yourself

Copy your x509 certificate (*.pfx) to the bastion into your home directory

Unpack this certificate package using the following commands openssl pkcs12 -in <*.pfx> -out newfile.cert.pem -clcerts -nokeys openssl pkcs12 -in <*.pfx> -out newfile.key.pem -nocerts -nodes

Move these new files into the /home/<YOU>/.globus directory but rename them respectively usercert.pem and userkey.pem Ensure that the new user owns these files, then edit the permissions of the cert to 644 and the permissions for the key to 600

then run the command: grid-proxy-init

You will now have a grid proxy for the next 11 hours

Once set up you will only need to run the grid-proxy-init command to renew your proxy