RAL Tier1 LCG File Catalog

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WARNING: information not up-to-date

The LFC front ends at RAL Tier1 are installed on lfc0448.gridpp.rl.ac.uk and lcglfc0449.gridpp.rl.ac.uk

There is also a read-only LFC instance (lcglfc0377.gridpp.rl.ac.uk) solely for LHCb use.


Local Deployment Information

The first LFC server at RAL (lfc0448.gridpp.rl.ac.uk) was installed following mainly the instructions in LFC Admin Guide. One difference though: it uses a remote MySQL server (see MySQL on a different host).

In April 2008, the MySQL backend was migrated to an Oracle backend.

There are two LFC servers at RAL shared by all the supported VOs (except LHCb which have their own read-only LFC instance, lcglfc0377). The two general LFC front ends can be load-balanced by using the lfc.gridpp.rl.ac.uk alias (this DNS alias points to both IP addresses of lfc0448 and lcglfc0449)

A dedicated LFC server (with Oracle backend) is installed for LHCb use (December 2007).

The list of VOs can be found out with

 # ldapsearch -x -H ldap://site-bdii.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:2170 \
   -b 'Mds-vo-name=RAL-LCG2,o=Grid' '(GlueServiceType=lcg-local-file-catalog)' \

As on 22nd October 2007 this was

 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: atlas
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: alice
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: lhcb
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: cms
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: biomed
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: zeus
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: hone
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: cdf
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: dzero
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: babar
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: pheno
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: t2k
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: esr
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: ilc
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: magic
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: dteam
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: fusion
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: geant4
 GlueServiceAccessControlRule: cedar

Service Endpoints


where <vo> is one of alice, atlas, camont, gridpp, minos.vo.gridpp.ac.uk, totalep, dteam. Other VOs may be registered in the future.

See also

LCG File Catalog

Other resources

LFC Admin Guide