RAL Tier1 CASTOR Experiments Completed Actions 2012

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Action ID Priority Experiment(s) Owner Action Status Completed date
20120111-01 Normal CMS Andrew L, Chris B Find out what's happening about disk/tape separation Done. 2012-01-18
20111214-01 Normal Non-LHC Andrew L Add Chris Walker to mailing list Done. 2012-01-18
20120118-01 Normal ALICE Alastair Provide full list of LFNs on T0D1 to Lee Done 2012-01-25
20111221-01 Normal LHC Brian D Discuss delegation of FTS channel management by T2 sys-admins. Decided that we should retain control. 2012-02-08
20120125-01 Normal Andrew S Review GGUS ticket 77026 in advance of next week's meeting. Not done. 2012-02-08
20120229-03 Medium Andrew S Talk to Ian about possibility of using perfsonar for validating the new OPN subnet Done. Ian is working on it. 2012-03-07
20120229-04 Medium MICE Andrew L Send list of closed MICE tickets to Henry Done. List sent to Henry 2012-03-14
20120229-01 Medium Andrew S Discuss strategy for funding LSF in 2012 with CASTOR team No longer necessary, since an LSF license has been purchased for the rest of the year. 2012-03-22
20120321-05 Medium CMS Andrew L Find out if RAL can start using CVMFS Done. Can't yet move to CVMFS, but immenent. 2012-03-28
20120321-03 Medium ALICE Shaun Determine the age distribution of ALICE files on aliceTape Done. Files even 2 years old are still staged. 2012-03-28
20120328-01 Medium All Gareth Create a deployment schedule for 2011 CPU and check MoU committments Done. All 2011 CPU in production. 2012-04-04
20120321-01 Medium ALICE Lee, Shaun Find out about the load on CASTOR from Japan Closed. No longer relevant. 2012-04-25
20120321-02 Medium ALICE Chris K Look for any correlation between ALICE CPU efficiency and LSF efficiency Closed. No longer relevant. 2012-04-25
20120321-04 Medium ZEUS Gareth Contact ZEUS representatives about low CPU efficiencies Closed. Emails sent. 2012-04-25
20120404-01 Medium LHCb Gareth Make sure xrootd pre-staging back door is closed Done. 2012-04-25
20120502-01 Medium MICE Shaun Check permissions Done by Shaun. 2012-05-09
20120425-01 Medium Gareth Review batch system limits Done. Limits have been removed or increased. 2012-05-23
20120229-02 Medium Andrew S Ensure that the new OPN subnet in the Tier-1 has the correct routing across the WAN Closed. 2012-06-27
20120509-01 Medium Gareth Circulate information about gridTest queue Closed. Replaced with new action. 2012-07-12
20120627-01 Medium NA62 Alastair Clarify NA62 storage requirements Done. 2012-07-12
20120627-02 Medium MICE Shaun Check permissions and ownership of MICE directories in CASTOR Done. 2012-07-12
20120712-01 Medium All Orlin After setting up some test EMI-2 worker nodes, contact VO reps about testing. Postponed 2012-08-01
20120822-01 Medium LHCb Andrew L Provide details about the gridTest queue to Raja Done 2012-08-29
20120815-01 Medium Andrew L Ask Martin L about coordination of EMI-2 worker nodes Done 2012-09-05
20120905-01 Medium MICE Shaun Investigate migration from tape1 to tape2 Done 2012-10-03
20121003-01 Medium N/A Gareth Check if CA 1.50 certificates have been distributed everywhere Closed 2012-10-17
20121003-02 Medium biomed Gareth Make sure that GGUS 85077 is given an owner. Closed 2012-10-17
20120530-01 Medium ALICE Shaun Ask ALICE if they can remove files from CASTOR after unsuccessfully trying to put files in Done 2012-12-19