Operations Team Action items

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Count list for minute taking

Works left -> right. EVO meeting = 1: F2F meeting = 5

IN: Pete=10 Jeremy=10 Daniela=10 David=11 Alessandra=11 Duncan=9 Sam=10 Stephen=9 Chris=9 Kashif=10 Wahid=10 Matt=10 Ewan=10 Brian=11 Andrew=10 OUT: Mark=6 Minutes can be found at: UKI-ROC agenda

Action list

Action ID Action description Owner Target date Status Date closed Notes
O-120410-01 Some Action Some person 25-012-2012 Some status 25-012-2024 Template

O-140506-02 Puppet config to make cvmfs changes once for all relevant VOs Kashif Open ? Currently, when updating cvmfs information, it has to be done per VO rather than doing it once which then propagates as appropriate. CAN SOMEONE CHECK IF THIS HAS ACTUALLY BEEN DONE?

0-140812-01 RIPE probe deployment Jeremy (?) 2014-08-20 Open Discuss deployment of RIPE probes with sites at GridPP 33 (Consider changing to "chase the sites which still need to install RIPE probes that they were given at GridPP33").

See also: Operations Team Completed Actions and Operations Issues .

See also the archived: Deployment Team Completed Actions and Deployment Issues .