Monitoring Resource Usage of Jobs with cAdvisor

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Google's cAdvisor ( provides information about the resources used by containers. A web UI is exposed at http://hostname:port/, and in addition data is exported to a central database.

Installing InfluxDB

Download and install the rpm:

rpm -ivh influxdb-latest-1.x86_64.rpm

then start the service

service influxdb start

In a browser go to http://hostname:8083/ and login using the default username (root) and password (root). To create a database for cAdvisor, specify a database name in the 'Database Details' part of 'Create a Database' and click 'Create Database'. Once the database has been created, click on the database name and create a user by specifying the username and password in the 'Create a New Database User' section.

More information available at

Installing Grafana

Download and install the rpm:

rpm -ivh

and start the service

service grafana-server start