Manchester Multicore Torque Configuration

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Dynamic Partitioning with Nikhef scripts

This method relies on a custom python script - wirtten by Jeff templon - to create dynamic partitions in torque. It needs a specific queue for mcore jobs to be created. It also requires to change the (so far) standard properties of the nodes as it uses the resources_default.neednodes queue attribute to create the partitions.

Scripts Installation

You can download the scripts from the Nikhef SVN repository. There is the main script *mcfloat* and 3 python modules to install. I've opted to install everything in /usr/local. The script will also require a $HOME/tmp directory for a file.

  • Python Modules*
mkdir -p $HOME/tmp
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
cd /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages 
wget"" -O
wget"" -O
wget -O

cd /usr/local/bin
wget"mcfloat?revision=2708" -O mcfloat

With python2.6 gives a syntax error and you need to move the line

from __future__ import generators # only needed in Python 2.2

above the version line or remove it as it is apparently only needed in python 2.2.

  • mcfloat*

You also need to edit mcfloat to set 4 things

Torque server

TORQUE              = "<torque-server-fqdn>"

Initial set of WN to use

CANDIDATE_NODES = [ 'node-0%02d.domain' % (n) for n in range(1,19) ]

Queue name you can leave it or replace it. I've replace it with a less experiment oriented name

MCQUEUE  = 'atlasmc'

my nodes don't have sequential names so I replaced the elegant for loop to build the array with a plainer comma separated list of nodes names. Do not forget the quotes around the names.

MAXDRAIN = 7             # max num of nodes allowed to drain
MAXFREE  = 49            # max num of free slots to tolerate

These depend on the size of your nodes and cluster, you may want to play with it. I reduced the number of MAXDRAIN to 4 for example but it is probably going to be reviewed.

  • qmgr commands and nodes properties*

Now you need to create the queue for multicore. It will rely on the nodes properties in /var/lib/torque/server_priv/nodes. If you are still using YAIM thay are usually set to lcgpro. The mcfloat script makes use of *el6* for the nodes to use for single core jobs and *mc* for the nodes to use for multicore. If you want to use something else you need to edit the mcfloat script. I've opted for a smooth sed command

sed -i.old 's/lcgpro/el6/g' /var/lib/torque/server_priv/nodes

To create the new queue you need to limit the access to those groups that will run multicore. For the moment for me it is only atlas production, but some sites may need to add cms too.

create queue mcore
set queue mcore queue_type = Execution
set queue mcore resources_max.cput = 48:00:00
set queue mcore resources_max.walltime = 72:00:00
set queue mcore resources_default.cput = 48:00:00
set queue mcore resources_default.neednodes = mc
set queue mcore resources_default.walltime = 72:00:00
set queue mcore acl_group_enable = True
set queue mcore acl_groups = atlprd
set queue mcore acl_groups += cmsprd
set queue mcore enabled = True
set queue mcore started = True

you also need to set resource_default.neednodes for the other queues for the partitioning to work. So for example at my site the other main queue would be set to

set queue long resources_default.neednodes = el6

other queues have their own parameters.