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==Useful Pages==
==Useful Pages==
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# cat /etc/xrootd/xrootd-server.cfg  
# cat /etc/xrootd/xrootd-server.cfg  
# This is a very simple sample configuration file sufficient to start an  #
# xrootd data server using the default port 1094. This server runs by    #
# itself (stand-alone) and does not assume it is part of a cluster. You  #
# can then connect to this server to access files in '/tmp'.              #
# Consult the the reference manuals on how to create more complicated    #
# configurations.                                                        #
#                                                                        #
# On successful start-up you will see 'initialization completed' in the  #
# last message. You can now connect to the xrootd server.                #
#                                                                        #
# Note: You should always create a *single* configuration file for all    #
# daemons related to xrootd.                                              #
# The export directive indicates which paths are to be exported. While the
all.export /cephfs/grid
all.export /cephfs/grid
# The adminpath and pidpath variables indicate where the pid and various
# IPC files should be placed
all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /run/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd
#checksum - prob safe
xrootd.chksum adler32
xrootd.chksum adler32
#root tpc
ofs.tpc  ttl 7 15 xfr 9 pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp --server
all.trace all
#auth stuff largely from Sam
## auth stuff
#largely from Sam
xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so
xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so
sec.protocol /lib64 gsi -certdir:/etc/grid-security/certificates \
sec.protocol /lib64 gsi -certdir:/etc/grid-security/certificates \
Line 55: Line 41:
                    -gmapopt:10 -gmapto:0 \
                    -gmapopt:10 -gmapto:0 \
                    -vomsat:extract -vomsfun:libXrdVoms.so
                    -vomsat:extract -vomsfun:libXrdVoms.so
#point to our authdb
acc.authdb /etc/grid-security/authdb
acc.authdb /etc/grid-security/authdb
#token stuff from https://wlcg-authz-wg.github.io/wlcg-authz-docs/token-based-authorization/configuration/xrootd/
# Config TLS
#from https://xrootd-howto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tpc/#an-example-of-wlcg-tpc-configuration-with-x509-authentication
xrd.tls /etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem /etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem
xrd.tlsca certdir /etc/grid-security/certificates
#xrootd.tls capable all
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdAccSciTokens.so config=/etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdMacaroons.so
ofs.authorize 1
# Pass the bearer token to the Xrootd authorization framework.
#xrd tpc just in case
http.header2cgi Authorization authz
ofs.tpc cksum adler32 fcreds ?gsi =X509_USER_PROXY autorm xfr 40 pgm /etc/xrootd/xrdcp-tpc.sh
## http stuff
#http stuff
#kick off xroot http, on 1094
# In order to enable the xrdhttp.socket run:
if exec xrootd
# systemctl enable xrdhttp@http.socket
# In order to start the xrdhttp.socket run:
# systemctl start xrdhttp@http.socket
xrd.protocol http:1094 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
xrd.protocol http:1094 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
#xrd.protocol https:1094 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
#xrd.protocol http:80 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
http.selfhttps2http no
http.secxtractor libXrdHttpVOMS.so
#from James
http.staticpreload http://static/robots.txt /etc/xrootd/robots.txt
http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates
http.cert /etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem
http.key /etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem
http.secretkey areallygoodsecret
http.cipherfilter ALL:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:!MD2
#other http stuff
# Require the use of the xrd.tls certificates (alternative is to use manual)
http.listingdeny yes
http.httpsmode auto
http.staticpreload http://static/robots.txt /etc/xrootd/robots.txt
http.desthttps yes
##old way from first config, if above set to manual
#http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates
#http.cert /etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem
#http.key /etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem
# HTTP TPC, see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/XRootDoverHTTP#Enable_Third_Party_Copy
http.secxtractor libXrdVoms.so
http.exthandler xrdtpc libXrdHttpTPC.so
http.header2cgi Authorization authz
# Please install libmacaroons rpm from EPEL.
# Macaroons support, see: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/XRootDoverHTTP#Macaroons_Support
http.exthandler xrdmacaroons libXrdMacaroons.so
# secret generated using openssl rand -base64 -out /etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret 64, owned xroot, chown 440
macaroons.secretkey /etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret
## token stuff
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdAccSciTokens.so config=/etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdMacaroons.so
The path needs to be writable by the xroot user. If it isn't it will protest and fail on startup.
Line 128: Line 130:
x xatlasukusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lrw /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasukusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lrw /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr  /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr  /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xopsuser /cephfs/grid/ops lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xopsuser /cephfs/grid/ops a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xwlcguser /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xwlcguser /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x wlcgtknusr /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x wlcgtknusr /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
Line 135: Line 137:
On server start up if the authdb is misconfigured xroot will most likely error and fail to get going.

Latest revision as of 11:10, 17 February 2022

Lancaster Xroot Server setup

Useful Pages

(list in progress)


(new) https://xrootd-howto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/



main config

starting with systemctl start xrootd@server, puts https on port 1094 too

# cat /etc/xrootd/xrootd-server.cfg 

all.export /cephfs/grid

all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd

#checksum - prob safe
xrootd.chksum adler32

all.trace all

## auth stuff
#largely from Sam
xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so
sec.protocol /lib64 gsi -certdir:/etc/grid-security/certificates \
                    -cert:/etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem \
                    -key:/etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem \
                    -crl:1 \
                    -authzfun:libXrdSecgsiAUTHZVO.so \
                    -gmapopt:10 -gmapto:0 \
                    -vomsat:extract -vomsfun:libXrdVoms.so
#point to our authdb
acc.authdb /etc/grid-security/authdb

# Config TLS
#from https://xrootd-howto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tpc/#an-example-of-wlcg-tpc-configuration-with-x509-authentication
xrd.tls /etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem /etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem
xrd.tlsca certdir /etc/grid-security/certificates
#xrootd.tls capable all

#xrd tpc just in case
ofs.tpc cksum adler32 fcreds ?gsi =X509_USER_PROXY autorm xfr 40 pgm /etc/xrootd/xrdcp-tpc.sh

## http stuff

#kick off xroot http, on 1094
if exec xrootd
xrd.protocol http:1094 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
http.selfhttps2http no

#from James
http.staticpreload http://static/robots.txt /etc/xrootd/robots.txt

# Require the use of the xrd.tls certificates (alternative is to use manual)
http.httpsmode auto

##old way from first config, if above set to manual
#http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates
#http.cert /etc/grid-security/xrdcert.pem
#http.key /etc/grid-security/xrdkey.pem

# HTTP TPC, see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/XRootDoverHTTP#Enable_Third_Party_Copy
http.secxtractor libXrdVoms.so
http.exthandler xrdtpc libXrdHttpTPC.so
http.header2cgi Authorization authz

# Please install libmacaroons rpm from EPEL.
# Macaroons support, see: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/XRootDoverHTTP#Macaroons_Support
http.exthandler xrdmacaroons libXrdMacaroons.so

# secret generated using openssl rand -base64 -out /etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret 64, owned xroot, chown 440
macaroons.secretkey /etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret

## token stuff
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdAccSciTokens.so config=/etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
ofs.authlib ++ libXrdMacaroons.so


The path needs to be writable by the xroot user. If it isn't it will protest and fail on startup.


/etc/grid-security/certificates, fetch-crl, vomsdir set up as normal.

# cat /etc/grid-security/authdb
### Define users
## o - organisation/VO r - role g - group
#test users
= xgridppusr o: gridpp 
= xdteamusr o: dteam
= xopsuser o: ops
= xwlcguser o: wlcg
= wlcgtknusr o: https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/ g: /wlcg
= xatlasprd o: atlas r: production
= xatlasplt o: atlas r: pilot
= xatlasukprd o: atlas r: production g: uk
= xatlasukusr o: atlas g: uk
= xatlasusr o: atlas
= xhyperkprd o: hyperk.org r: production
= xhyperkusr o: hyperk.org
### Define acceses
## a - all-rights l - list (don't forget) r - read w - write
x xgridppusr /cephfs/grid/gridpp a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xdteamusr /cephfs/grid/dteam a /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasprd /cephfs/grid/atlas a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasplt /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasukprd /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk a /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasukusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lrw /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xatlasusr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk lr /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasdatadisk lr  /cephfs/grid/atlas/atlasscratchdisk lrw /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xopsuser /cephfs/grid/ops a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xwlcguser /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x wlcgtknusr /cephfs/grid/wlcg a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xhyperkprd /cephfs/grid/hyperk.org a /cepfs/grid/srr lr
x xhyperkusr /cephfs/grid/hyperk.org/ lr /cepfs/grid/srr lr


On server start up if the authdb is misconfigured xroot will most likely error and fail to get going.