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Currently LSST UK setup uses the VOMS servers at FNAL, it has a CVMFS software area always hosted at fnal

User setup

Sites setup

Here is Operations Portal LSST page

VOMS config

VOMSES="'lsst 15003 /DC=org/DC=opensciencegrid/O=Open Science Grid/OU=Services/ lsst'
        'lsst 15003 /DC=org/DC=opensciencegrid/O=Open Science Grid/OU=Services/ lsst' "
VOMS_CA_DN="'/DC=org/DC=cilogon/C=US/O=CILogon/CN=CILogon OSG CA 1' '/DC=org/DC=cilogon/C=US/O=CILogon/CN=CILogon OSG CA 1' "




  • 10 normal accounts mapped to the generic role
  • 10 pilot accounts mapped to the pilot role


There isn't yet a precise requirement on the size but LSST users will use few TB across different sites currently using 8TB across 4 sites.

Software area

If you want to set a software area env var like YAIM used to do

VO_LSST_SW_DIR = /cvmfs/

Requested software

  • Packages: LSST will use xrootd and gridfp as transfer protocols and needs both the xrootd-client and gfal2-util packages installed. xrootd-client is not installed on SL6 WNs by default and has to be explicitely installed, it has been added to the CentOS7 WN meta-rpm instead and it will be automatically pulled in. In order to avoid any problem it is recommended to install both latest versions.
  • CVMFS repositories: LSST will use two repositories one in the US at FNAL and one in France at IN2P3. The repositories will both replicated at RAL and will be added to the EGI configuration which is recommended.
    • OSG: /cvmfs/ this is automatically mounted at EGI sites and is replicated on some of the EGI stratum1 sites don't have to configure anything.
    • IN2P3: /cvmfs/ this currently not supported in EGI yet and is behind a firewall. From August 2017 it will be replicated to one of the stratum1 at RAL so that sites don't have to ask to be added to the firewall but they will have to install the cvmfs-config-egi package to get a centralized configuration installed. The package will replace cvmfs-config-default, but should be the only needed configuration. There is no YUM repository for now (July 2017) for this rpm so to install it
yum localinstall

Data Challenge



DC2 on the grid


  • 2x 3x DC1

Presentations and progress reports