Imperial Dirac Maintenance

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The Imperial dirac server consists of 4 machines:
dirac01 (configuration server, main dirac server)
dirac02 (second dirac server, for load balancing etc)
diracdb (hosts the databases)
diracweb (hosts the webserver)

Restarting dirac

To restart dirac:
as 'dirac' in /opt/dirac/:

killall -SIGHUP runsvdir
source bashrc
runsvdir /opt/dirac/startup &

Updating the dirac install

Note: dirac01 and dirac02 should always run the same version of the dirac software. Whatever you do it helps having a clean shell without the cursed bashrc having been invoked.

cd /opt/dirac/DIRAC
git status
git pull
find . -iname '*.pyo' -delete
[restart dirac]

and the GridPP module

cd /opt/dirac/GridPPDIRAC
git status
git pull
find . -iname '*.pyo' -delete
[restart dirac]

Best of Github

Merge requests: Being logged into github really helps :-)