IC-HEP (10 Questions)
'Status: DRAFT'
Question 1
Provide the name and contact details of your local (Departmental) and Institutional network support staff.
- IC Departmental network support contact is: Kostas Georgiou, Systems Manager, Department of High Energy Physics, email: k.georgious@imperial.ac.uk
- IC Institutional network support contact is: Phil Mayers et al, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), email: servicedesk@imperial.ac.uk
Question 2
Provide details of the responsibilities, together with the demarcation of those responsibilities, of your local and Institutional network support staff.
- The departmental contact is responsible for:
- The institutional contact is responsible for:
Services include; a high quality physical infrastructure (networks, servers, computer clusters, etc.); support of individual desktops, teaching and research clusters; College wide services such as e-mail and central file storage and key College management information systems.
Question 3
What is a Regional Network Operator (RNO), and why does this matter to you?
- An RNO is: London MAN (LMN)
- I care because: they provide our connection to the rest of the internet.
Question 4
What is SuperJANET4? And more importantly what is SuperJANET5?
- SuperJANET4 is: UK academic network backbone
- SuperJANET5 is: proposed upgrade
Questions 5, 6, 7 and 9 (part)
5: Draw a simple diagram showing your local (Departmental) network and sufficient of your Institutional network such that you can trace a line from your end-system to the connection from your Institutes network into the RNO infrastructure.
6: On the diagram produced in answer to Question 5, show the capacity of each link in the network and provide a note against each link of its contention ratio.
7: On the diagram produced in answer to Question 5, colour and distinguish the switches and routers and for each device provide a note of its backplane capability.
9.x: On the diagram produced in answer to Question 5 colour in the firewall(s) (or other security devices).
(upload an image via http://wiki.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/Special:Upload)
Question 8
What is the average and peak traffic flow between your local (Departmental) network and the Institutional network?
- Average traffic: measured over a last few days was < 1 Mbit/s
- Peak traffic: monitoring last few days shows ~ 10 Mbits/s
What is the average and peak traffic flow between your Institutional network and the RNO?
- Average traffic:
- Peak traffic:
What is the total capacity of your Institutional connection to the RNO?
- Our total capacity is: 2 Gbit/s
What are the upgrade plans for your local (Departmental) network; your Institutional network and the network run by the RNO?
- Departmental plans: None
- Institutional plans: plans to upgrade to a 10 Gbit connection within Imperial
- RNO plans: Not known
Question 9
Do you believe in IS Security? Does your Institute believe in IS Security?
- I'm a believer: YES
- We're collective believers: YES
Do you believe in firewalls? Does your Institute believe in firewalls?
- I'm a believer: YES
- We're collective believers: YES
Provide information of how changes are made to the rule set of the firewall.
- Firewall rules are changed by: ICT
Provide a note of the capacity of this device and what happens when that capacity is exceeded.
- The capacity is: 500 Mbits/s
- When it goes over-capacity, the following happens:
Question 10
What is the best performance you can achieve from your end-system to an equivalent system located in some geographically remote (and friendly!) Institute?
- Best performance is: ~500 Mbits/s
For your end-system:
- Do you understand the kernel, the bus structure; the NIC; and the disk system?
- I understand: YES
- Do you understand TCP tuning and what it can do for you?
- I understand: YES need to know more about it)
- Do you understand your application and what it can do to your performance?
- I understand: YES (need to know more about it)