GridPP5 Tier2 plans

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Sites batch system status

This page has been setup to collect information from GridPP sites regarding their batch systems in February 2014. The information will help with wider considerations and strategy. The table seeks the following:

  1. Site name
  2. Batch/CE system (the main batch system and CE you are intending to use in GridPP5. This might be one that you are testing as a replacement for, say, Torque/CREAM)
  3. Shared, non-CE? (Is the batch system shared with users who don’t access it through the grid CE?)
  4. Shared filesystem? (Do users rely on a shared filesystem? e.g. Lustre. i.e. that couldn’t be replaced with local filesystems on worker nodes.)
  5. Non-LHC, non GridPP DIRAC VOs? (Do you support VOs, e.g. from EGI, that aren’t LHC experiments or use the GridPP DIRAC service. Please list the top 3.)
  6. Non-LHC storage? (Do you provide storage to non-LHC projects? Please list the top 3.)

Site Batch/CE system Shared, non-CE? Shared filesystem? Non-LHC, non GridPP DIRAC VOs? Non-LHC storage? . . . Notes
UKI-LT2-Brunel . . . . . . . .
UKI-LT2-IC-HEP . . . . . . . .

UKI-LT2-QMUL . . . . . . . .
UKI-LT2-RHUL . . . . . . . .

UKI-NORTHGRID-LIV-HEP . . . . . . . .
UKI-NORTHGRID-MAN-HEP . . . . . . . .

UKI-NORTHGRID-SHEF-HEP . . . . . . . .

UKI-SCOTGRID-DURHAM . . . . . . . .

UKI-SCOTGRID-ECDF . . . . . . . .

UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW . . . . . . . .
UKI-SOUTHGRID-BHAM-HEP . . . . . . . .

UKI-SOUTHGRID-BRIS . . . . . . . .

UKI-SOUTHGRID-CAM-HEP . . . . . . . .
UKI-SOUTHGRID-OX-HEP . . . . . . . .

UKI-SOUTHGRID-RALPP . . . . . . . .

UKI-SOUTHGRID-SUSX . . . . . . . .