Glideinwms with arcce condor.ini

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Revision as of 13:00, 12 June 2014 by Daniela Bauer 3919d55ff4 (Talk | contribs)

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; ## Global options
glideinwms_location = /opt/glideinwms

; This needs to be defined, even if I only install the 
; Submit module on the CE   
; most variables are not used, so this is cut and pasted 
; from the glideinWMS

hostname = ;  
x509_cert     = /etc/grid-security/raincloudcert.pem ;
x509_key      = /etc/grid-security/raincloudkey.pem ;

x509_gsi_dn   = /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Imperial/L=Physics/ ;
username = raincloud

service_name = userpool_service

condor_location = /opt/gwms/condor-user
collector_port  = 9640
number_of_secondary_collectors = 2

;; not used, but variables need to be defined 
install_vdt_client = n
vdt_location =  ;                 
pacman_url = ;   
pacman_location = ;

hostname =

install_type = tarball

username = condor

condor_tarball = /opt/tarballs/condor-8.0.7-x86_64_RedHat6-unstripped.tar.gz
condor_admin_email =

x509_cert_dir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
x509_cert = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem ;
x509_key = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem ;

x509_gsi_dn = /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Imperial/L=Physics/

service_name = submit_service
;number_of_schedds = 2
number_of_schedds = 1
collector_port = 9640
; This shared port is not really optional
schedd_shared_port = 9615

condor_location = /opt/condor-submit

; not used, but variables need to be defined
install_vdt_client = n
vdt_location =  ; 
pacman_location = ;
pacman_url = ;

; This needs to be defined, even if I only install the
; Submit module on the CE
; most variables are not used, so this is cut and pasted 
; from the glideinWMS
hostname =

username = raincloud

service_name = frontend_service

install_location = /opt/gwms/frontend
logs_dir         = /opt/gwms/frontend/log

condor_location = /opt/gwms/condor-frontend

x509_proxy  = /home/raincloud/raincloud.proxy
x509_gsi_dn = /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Imperial/L=Physics/

glidein_proxy_files = /home/raincloud/raincloud.proxy
glidein_proxy_dns = /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Imperial/L=Physics/

group_name   = main
userjob_constraints = (JobUniverse==5)&&(GLIDEIN_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)&&(JOB_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)
match_string = True

glexec_use = never
expose_grid_env = True

web_location  = /var/www/html/cfrontend
web_url       = http://%(hostname)s:8319

; not used, but variables need to be defined                                                                                                           
install_vdt_client = n
vdt_location =  ;                                                                                                                                      
pacman_location = ;             
pacman_url = ;