Glideinwms with arcce

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How to create a "Stealth Cloud"

(or how to get your ARCCE to submit to a cloud via a glideinWMS)

  1. Setup a glidein WMS, apart from the Submit module which needs to be hosted by the ARCCE.
  2. Setup and ARC CE as e.g. described here.
  3. On the ARCCE open the necessary ports (and restart iptables)
  4. Make a condor user:
    [root@cetest02 opt]# groupadd condor
    [root@cetest02 opt]# useradd -m -g condor condor
    [root@cetest02 opt]# passwd -l condor
  5. Set up the Submit module from the glideinWMS on the ARCCE:
    Note: The versions used on the ARCCE and the glideinWMS have to match ...
    Currently I use condor-8.0.7-x86_64_RedHat6-unstripped.tar.gz and glideinWMS_v3_2_5.tgz
    (as root) glideinWMS_v3_2_5.tgz
    Unpack the glideinwms tarball and set its ownership to something sensible:
    [root@cetest02 opt]# tar -zxvf /opt/tarballs/glideinWMS_v3_2_5.tgz; chown -R root:root glideinwms

    (as root) /opt/glideinwms/install/manage-glideins --install submit --ini /opt/glideinwms-conf/condor.ini

  6. Edit /opt/condor-submit/config.d/03_gwms_local.config to keep an x509 proxy on the WN. At the end add:
    use_x509userproxy = True
    SUBMIT_EXPRS = $(SUBMIT_EXPRS) use_x509userproxy

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