Durham (10 Questions)
Dr. David Stockdale (Physics Network Manager) D.P.Stockdale@durham.ac.uk, +44 191 334 43644 Mr. Tom Turnbull (Acting Head of Infrastructure) Tom.Turnbull@durham.ac.uk +44 191 334 42783
Dr. Stockdale is responcible for all of the Physics network, Mr. Turnbull is responsible for the connection to Physics, the connection to JANET via NORMAN and other networks on campus
NORMAN, they provide the connection to JANET.
SuperJANET 4 is the current version of Janet (1G connection) SuperJANET 5 is the next version, it will run at 2.5 G
We have
Departmental Router (Black Diamond) 384G 96 million bps
HP 2648 in rack 13.66 10 million pps
Traffic flow between department and campus -
110 mbps Down 70 mbps Up
Traffic between campus and Norman (from ITS)
Average (in + out) traffic on the NorMAN link for week Nov 14 to Nov 21
4.181% or just under 42Mbit
Peek or Maximum in the same time was
10.934% just under 110 Mbit
Connection from Durham to NORMAN 1G
Upgrade plans
Not sure.
IS Security not sure what is ment by this term.
Yes we have a firewall
Changes are done by the firewall team in ITS, the change requests are submitted via a password protected web form.
The device capacity is
The firewall has gigabit ports on the internal and external interfaces
However I would not expect to get more than 650Mbit depending on the type of
traffic and the load put on the firewall.
I have a basic understanding, however a course may be of some use.
I have never done TCP tuning again a course would be of use.
I don't have an application.