Dirac Development

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Official Documentation



Setup yourself up with a hostcert and a EMI UI, eg by following these instructions. Install git (and emacs ;-).

Get the code

  • You need a github account and be a member of the ic-hep organization. Please contact Simon F. directly if you need access.
  • In the example I'm using my own github login 'marianne013'(*) as I like to be able to do cut-and-paste when following my own instructions.
  • As the dirac user do:
    git clone git@github.com:marianne013/DIRAC.git
    (from git page ssh). This will only work if the dirac user has a copy of your ssh key :-D
  •  DIRAC/Core/scripts/dirac-deploy-scripts.py 
  •  wget http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~dbauer/dirac/full_sanitized.cfg 
  • edit full_sanitized.cfg
  1. Normal machine set-up (symlinking /etc/grid-security/certificates, etc...)
  2. Checkout DIRAC

DIRAC/Core/scripts/dirac-deploy-scripts.py wget http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~dbauer/dirac/full_sanitized.cfg

  1. Edit full_sanitized.cfg
    1. Set Release = integration
    2. Set UseVersionsDir = no
    3. Edit TargetPath = /srv/localstage/ddirac
    4. Set ExtraModules = DIRACWeb
    5. Set SiteName etc...
    6. Comment Out WorkloadManagement/InputDataAgent
    7. Comment Out WorkloadManagement/TaskQueueDirector
    8. Turn off web interface
    9. Set DB Passwords
scripts/dirac-install -t server -X full_sanitized.cfg
source bashrc
dirac-configure full_sanitized.cfg

(*) The first hit when putting Marianne013 into google entitled: "Marianne 013: Kühe in Ketten und Strapsen" which translates into "Cows in chains and suspenders." It's all downhill from there.