DIRAC new user checklist

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Return to the Quick Guide to DIRAC.

First steps

First steps - testing

  • Accessing the Imperial DIRAC server: access https://dirac.grid.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk:8443 with your browser. If your grid certificate has been successfully installed in your browser, your browser should ask you to identify yourself with the certificate in question. You will then see the Imperial DIRAC server homepage. Check the bottom right-hand corner - if you can only see Visitor and not your username and DN, you are (or rather, your certificate is) not registered with the Imperial DIRAC server - contact Janusz.
  • Joining the Imperial DIRAC mailing list: once you have subscribed, you should be able to view the subscribers list from the list homepage and see that you're on it.

Your Virtual Organisation

Your Virtual Organisation - testing

  • Joining a VO: You should receive a confirmation email with the subject [VOMS Admin] Your vo membership request for VO [VO name] has been approved. - where [VO name] is the name of the VO - within 24 hours. You may be asked to confirm the request - make sure you don't accidentally cancel the request.
  • Accessing the Imperial DIRAC server as a VO member: access https://dirac.grid.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk:8443 with your browser. Click on the drop-down menu displaying Visitor. You should be able to select your VO by clicking on the name. If not, contact Janusz.

DIRAC client installation

  • I have installed a DIRAC client on my local system (following the instructions here);
  • I have generated a proxy with my grid certificate (following the instructions here).

DIRAC client installation - testing

  • DIRAC client installation: the installation procedure should run with no error messages. Upon sourcing . $DIRACDIR/bashrc, you should be able to run (and tab-complete) the dirac-* commands;
  • Proxy generation with DIRAC: if the installation has been successful, upon entering the DIRAC proxy generation command:
$ dirac-proxy-init -g northgrid_user -M

you should asked to enter your certificate password and then receive a message similar to the following (the values in square brackets will vary):

Generating proxy... 
Enter Certificate password:
Uploading proxy for gridpp_user... 

Proxy generated: 
subject      : [your grid certificate DN]
issuer       : [your grid certificate DN]
identity     : [your grid certificate DN]
timeleft     : [reminaing time]
DIRAC group  : northgrid_user
path         : /tmp/x509up_u500
username     : [your username]
properties   : NormalUser
VOMS         : True
VOMS fqan    : ['/[VO name]'] 

Proxies uploaded: 
 DN                                                           | Group             | Until (GMT) 
 [your DN]                                                    | northgrid_user    | [time left on proxy]