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dCache is a disk pool management system with a SRM interface (currently v1), jointly developed by DESY and Fermilab. It is one of the currently accepted solutions that UK sites involved in the LCG are deploying to provide an SRM interface to the Grid (the other being Disk Pool Manager). This page intends to provide information for Tier-2 sites who are deploying dCache as their SRM. Installation/configuration/administration instructions will all appear here in due course.


Upgrading to a new release of dCache

This can be found of dCache page but varies depending on which release you are upgrading from and to which release you wish to upgrade.



Common administration tasks

Database administration

Log files and database


SRM v2.2


Generic Information Provider (GIP) plugin


Access to the dCache

Various different access methods can be used, from FTS service to a CLI such as gfal-* commaands. SOme other useful methods for debugging locally are below:

Documentation for gfal-* commands can be found here and replace the lcg-* coammands for most use cases.

Heirarchical Storage Manager (HSM)

One of the advantages of using dCache to manage a sites storage resources is that it can act as a front end disk cache behind which sits some hierarchical storage system, such as a tape robot (Enstore, HPSS...). While this is not necessarily relevant for Tier-2 sites which do not (typically) have tape, this functionality can be useful in order to optimally utilise available storage resources.

Useful resources

Other institutions/organisations experience of using dCache

Old links to US sites now no longer working. If you find a new link please add here.

Workshops and presentations

  • dCache workshop
  • This is the best link to recent presentations which is kept up to dat e by the dCache developers.

New Features

For further investigation



Geographically Distibuted

Not really a new feature but is of interst/USed at NDGF-T1

This page is a Key Document, and is the responsibility of Brian Davies. It was last reviewed on 2018-07-25 when it was considered to be 40% complete. It was last judged to be accurate on (never).